Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Union Person

Congratulating the board. No one is happy about closing buildings or the new reality. We are charged with being good stewarts and doing nothing is not an option.

We have to do more with less.

I am thankful but disappointed but when we are challenged to run this as a business and we do we are.

We are in public service not indentured servants.

James (new person) - Chain of command - the voters elect the SB members. You are supposed to do what me the voters (the district voters) would like you to do.

I attended community cafes - results were posted. How many of you read the Community Cafe Results? (show of hands) [All raised hands.]

Short term negatives were greater by 2.3 than positive. 2.3 times as likely to have shortcomings. Long term negatives were 5.6 to 1 against positives. Nobody at community cafes saw this as positive. Over 190 ideas to keep the schools open.

Nothing in the levy indicated closing schools. If it was there, I believe voters would have approved it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There was information about closing 2 schools (not which schools) in the meetings prior to the levy vote. But turn out for those meetings was low.