Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Susan: [She is discussing how they deploy resources and how it affects the ratios in the classrooms.]

Steve: I'm trying to explore what it takes to buy down class size.

Speaker: It takes 30 to 40 teachers to buy down the class size ONE student. [That's a very interesting way of looking at it and I believe starts to gets to Steve's point.]

Speaker: $2 million buys you about 3 dozen teachers -- taking it down around 1.

Steve: One more question about class sizes: I thought there was a sense that below 15 there are not economies in performance. Anything above 35 really affects performance.

Susan: What the research and studies are saying is that...what any of us who have taught know that you can develop better relationships with students...teacher quality is more important than class size. Teacher quality is more significant than classroom sizes. That's why we invest so much in teacher training. We know if we improve their quality we improve our achievement.

John: What is the practical impact to parents on bell times. It may require one Junior High to move to first tier.

Transportaiton: We could adjust our tier 2 and not move North View. We could put fewer busses in tier 2.

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