Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Discussion - Lin

Lin - Made a list of the pros and cons. Osseo elementary - I have a long history with Osseo as a city.

Cons (against closing)
Impact on city
First school in district
loss of community and new play ground
Staff and parents are welcoming and adapatable.

$400,000 savings
reduce # of seats
Most of students will go to Elem Creek

Edgewood - closure and relocation

Time and cost
may not draw minorities

(similar as Osseo pros.)

No expecation of it being a neighborhood school.

Repurpose WL.

Draw fewer students of school
Takes a wonderful school out of brooklyn park

Larger building
draw more students from out of district.
Like that it is a stem magnet wich the US is behind in.
Students have a hands on experience

Repurposing of CI/FO/OV

- Clearly moves forward strategic plan as we have a lot of childern coming to school that are not ready.
- It filts within 9 key issues and interests.
- It would create additional early childroom classrooms.

- Concerned that there is not enough planning at this point and I trust the administration.

-Transition concern

- Additional and sustained funding for this program. Not sure exactly where additional funding is needed.
- Concerned about biases around race and poverty.
- Long distance to travel.

- Start to integrate a Maple Grove School.
- Possibility to create a community in the School District between 3 schools.
- Because of economies of scale we would have some FTE savings.

- Concerns that we are sending students into hostile territory. It is a pit in my stomach.

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