Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Dean: How is facilities impacted by this change?

Speaker: It is all timed based. Staggered swimming for example. Lower level swimmers are earlier. Tennis we could go split sites. At the older level they can all practice together. We partner between senior and junior high.

Basketball and football would move to leagues for 7th and 8th graders.

Steve: Is the community engagement specialist going to handle facilities coordinating. Coordinating with the local communities would be done by who? What are we doing to make sure facilities are available?

Speaker: They already coordinate house leagues and associations.

Steve: Do we have personnel to make this happen? We do not want to drop that opportunity.

Dean: Just want to add one more thing, since we know there are politics, if the associations pick up 7th and 8th grade. If we turn those over, will there be no monitoring. How are people choosen for the leagues? Is there an A and B group? Does it mimick our current programs?

Speaker: How do we facility our students being in community acitivities? I want to be clear we are eliminating programs. $400,000 worth. We are not making any other promises or any promises to the community of who will or can step in to fill the void. Our athletic leaders have met with other districts to see how this is happening and with park and rec. to see how they could handle it. We will not make promises on their behalf. We have a vehicle of communication to pass out flyers. We do not need more than our 3 activities coordinators.

We do have $ set aside to facility some intramural or house leagues. Part of that was in response to not having enough activities at a critical times. We still do provide coordinators at particular sites.

Adam: To be clear, we are talking about 5 activities. There is a extensive traveling program for the football program. There are opportunities at A, B and sometimes C leagues in each of the acitivities. Traveling programs and house league programs are available. The one flaw is volleyball. They are working on a plan to get opportunities for all programs.

Dean: If a transition to this, would we have the right to say the house leagues would have the prime times that the current grade levels have? I would hate to see these programs not have the field times that they had before. Would we have that communication?

Adam: We would communicate needs of Junior high first and then when the facilities will be open to get the leagues in right away.

Steve: Any opportunity for savings? Can we close some fields, not finish gym floors as often?

Adam: Current facilities will still be maximized up until 10 p.m. at night. The overall use would not go down -- just a different sponsor.

Steve: Is there an opportunity?

Moderator: There is not a facility rental fee. We could revisit that.

Steve: We should look at that during the next budget cycle as an opportunity. [Great to look for oppportunities!]

Dean: How much capital was put into building in last 3 to 5 years for building looking at being closed. If capital projects were deferred, it would be easy to say that some schools have too many repairs because we put it off. Are the capital needs the same or are they still that different?

Dale: [More handouts for SB members. There will be an official binder in each room for all 100 of us to gather around. *grins* They are trying to put it on the overhead.] Susan indicated that Dean had this concern and to be prepared for this.

[We can't read the overhead -- making this part more difficult.]

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