Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Discussion - Linda

I have struggled for quite some time. The issue of Early Childhood Learning and the FO/OV/CI. I have heard concerns of staff and parents. I have not heard much from OV parents, but have heard some of them. I think they all have legitimate concerns.

We owe it to our parents to have everyone's best interest in mind. The FO/OV is difficult to support. The opportunity for early childhood education is strong.

It will elevate academic achievement for those that have been left behind.

We may not create inequalities that trade the welfare of some for the welfare of others. It has the appearance of some being made better off and I have really struggled with that. Make one group better off while not making other not better off. I'm on the fence for early childhood development, but support it because I believe the staff can make it work.

I would approve it if a neutral party can address the concerns.

I think parents should have a part in this. By not doing anything we are enhancing one group but not another group. However, since we moved forward I would like to see a third party brought in. We need to eliminate the fear parents have for this proposal. Support ECFE. Do not support the way we are doing it.

Then maybe we can come up with a different way.

I am going to support the ECFE.

Osseo - I would much rather look at how we could repurpose Osseo rather than close it. We are at the point where we need to close one. OE is the only school in Osseo. Maybe we should look at another school. I am not in favor of closing OE.

Edgewood elementary - I see it as an interest. I see it as making one group better off and not another. I acknowledge that there are costs in keeping it open. I can't rationalize moving it for that reason. It is an interest - not a necessity. If we leave things the same we will not be doing a disservice to either group.

If moving EW to WL would provide a mximimum benefit to everyone, then i would support it, but it doesn't. I can see sometime in the future finding a different location or building anew school.

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