Wednesday, March 5, 2008

More questions from SB

Dean: Famlies who are aware. If they are already taking advantage of our programs, potentially working parents looking for daycare before they are eligible for school. It fits their needs. Some will take advantage of it because they believe in the program. Some do not know about the program. Are we going to expand the program for people that want to use this as a daycare?

Lynn: Many students are just not to prepared to learn in Kindergarten. It is shocking to suggest to a student that something is "in the middle drawer" and the student does not know what that is.

Dean: If a parent is involved in the child's life, then they are prepared. If there is not involvement with that child (at any income level) then where does this program go? We struggle with our k-12 programs. How is this going to help our core programs?

Speaker: Even though we have all of these programs, 50% of the children coming into Kindergarten are not prepared. The expecation for Kindergarteners are higher than they ever have been. Four Star Express - childcare program in two elementary schools - full day with childcare component. Our other programs are not childcare style programs. We are trying to prepare them for Kindergarten.

Significant parent involvement is required in the early childhood experience programs. It recognizes the need that significant parent involvement be there.

There are huge differences between our schools in terms of being prepared for Kindergarten. All schools have some need.

The funding is completely separate from K-12 -- funding streams are completely separate.

Our mission is about leveraging our assets. Early Childhood Programming is so important for leveraging the assets of our parents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for blogging! Sorry you don't have an Aeron chair! ;)
Dan Kettleson