Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Board Meeting Tonight

The board meeting is tonight. I hope to see others there as well. I know it will be difficult to return to a School Board that is not in support of the kids, parents, and community but I keep telling myself that I owe it to my kids.


Anonymous said...

You sseem to think that all parents oppose what that board chose. Just because you may yell the loudest does not mean you are the only people voiceing opinions. Many people support the boards decision and feel that it was the right thing to do. Even though their decision changes things for my family I believe they made the right choice in a difficult economy. The voters said no to the levy. E-mails were sent in support of the Team Works proposal. They did what they did because they care about the kids, the community, and the district. I'm sorry you didn't get your way but the community spoke in many ways and they listened to them all.

Anonymous said...

You obviously did not see the 90% of the community that was there that was NOT in support of the proposal -- the two city council resolutions NOT in support of the proposal -- our two state representatives NOT in support of the proposal -- etc, etc, etc...

Anonymous said...

Yah, they care about the affluent kids on the west side -- they gave them a Magnet school and took it away from those that could use it the most. Yep, they care.