Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Discussion continuing

Transportation Router: [He knows his numbers.] There would be no way of cutting $800k if we do not change bell times and we need the 2 mile walk distance to save the $800k.

John: Confirmation on the above.

Transporation Router: That is correct. [I can't begin to type out all of the numbers. They are interesting as I am a numbers person.]

[The discussion from the SB is much better tonight -- great questions. Although, I'm not sure that we are really getting the answers that anyone needs.]

Dean & Linda: If you charge staff $20 per month for parking, you would make up nearly the $16 million. That seems fair.

A $1 per day for parking.

Steve: We could do tiers.

Moderator: Cuts them off -- we've gone beyond the scheduled time.

Speaker: We have teachers paying $100+ per year to buy supplies. It just doesn't make any sense to me. We asked our tax payers to pay $200 more per year and they wouldn't. We have gone to great lengths to cut back on health insurance rates. Every employee has to contribute more to health benefits. I am disturbed by the notion that our employees should put out more money.

Dean: I'm disturbed that you are disturbed. This the problem. We are not allocating our dollars well.

Steve: As attractive as that might be. We are not downtown. Boston Scientific doesn't pay for parking. I have trouble seeing that that is a way to do this.

Moderator: Any other questions? Anything else to answer? Perhaps you would like to close out the meeting.

[The meeting is closing out with little to no discussion about the actual closings. Odd. People are upset.]

9:25 and we are adjourned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adjourned? You are kidding me! I'm sorry, there was more substance than previous work sessions but still nothing meaningful that would appear to change the course.