Tuesday, March 18, 2008

HR item on Agenda

Approval of new benefits

Speaker - Giving an overview of how we got here today in terms of benefits. We meet on a monthly basis to determine how to provide employee benefits at a reasonable cost. We saved the district around $9.2 million by going out to bid, assessment surveys with employees and so on to contain utilization rates. Limiting the employer contributions and developing plan design changes to increase participation in the plan. We spend $28.8 million - it would have gone up another $2 million if we had not made plan changes.

There is cost shifting to employees. How much will need to be in the future? It depends on which plan they choose in the future. The open enrollment plan now has an increase co-pay and deductibles. [He recapped the three plans.]

Dental - Minimal increases (projected large increases, but were able to negotiate them down). Benefits fair to be held to go over benefits and inform them of new plan design.

Dean - How many are enrolled at the single level?

Speaker - left that folder at my desk, but I believe 2/3rds.

Dean - about 2000?

speaker - that's a bit high -- proably 1800.

Linda - any questions?

Steve - moves to approve the benefits.

Linn - seconds.

Everyone approved benefits package - unanimous.


Anonymous said...

I don't know how detailed the explanation was of the benefits package options, but no questions at all from the Board? That seems weak to me. No wonder the board has approved spending measures above the District's means (in terms of revenue) for the last several years.

Anonymous said...

The benefits were negotiated through the union and others at the district to get the best package. It is not something new it is just what the cost will be for the next school year. Unfortunately the cost of medical insurance continues to rise everywhere. Open enrollment for district employees will begin shortly after spring break which means employees will make changes or keep the same plan they have now. These changes have not been presented yet but it sounded like an increase in co-pays.