Tuesday, March 18, 2008


She greeted everyone in the audience -- I am her "little blogger". Ok, it is pretty obvious since I am the only one with a computer.

The room is about half full to me.

Thank goodness there are not as many people -- we have at least 20 pages in handouts!

The union people are sitting down the isle from me and making fun of the lack of attendance. "It's about 30 days and they start running out of gas." Sad.

Call to order.

[Correction: It was not "Union people" that made the comment. It was someone that I thought was in support of the parents.]


Anonymous said...

And was this comment made by Mr. "Racist" Rainville?

CI-mom said...

Give me a break. They didn't listen to us when a few hundred were there. Why would we have any thought that they would listen to us now?

Anonymous said...

Wow! And we were accused of making inappropriate and offensive comments. I echo what ci-mom said.

We're still watching them and reading your blog though.