Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Discussion - Dean

Board membes and public - I have arrived at my discussion too quickly. I have been involved in this for many, many years. To say that I've come to my decision to quickly is not knowing the depth of my knowledge. I know what I value.

I was not satisfied with what was presented in the proposal, the administration, the parents and my values.

Other board members have mentioned things - during the core planning process what was very different was that there was s diverse perspective from the ocmmunity. During this process there was not.

One of the key interest "The stem magnet could be expanded in the current location." During the administration process it came to mean "move". I would just refule that we've had a collaborative process.

The interpretation that was fed to the consultants did not include the perspective from the parents. Trust was not followed. Better decisions when diverse perspective are included in a collaborative process. We believe that lifelong learning is essential to community." We broke at least 2 of our core principals.

We have not learned as a school board.

We take in 2% additional revenue and spend an additional 4-6%. This is not a healthy model.

I would agree that when emotions run high that parents were disrespectful.

If we are going to look at what community members have said we also need to tkae a look at what our administrators say.

We have expended all of the dollars we take in. We built up a $32 million dollar fund balance. There are a lot of things we can talk about.

Any one of the five elementary schools depending on where you put maintenance any one of the five elementary schools could have been on the list.

I do not support the schools. I do not support repurposing.

We discuss capacity. We cut budget and put more kids in a classroom and now we have excess capacity. If ther eis a desire for programs. Let's take some of the excess capacity and put programs in the schools with excess capacity and give it the support it needs. And, then follow up in a year to see if what we thought does happen.

I do not suppor th eproposal.

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