Thursday, March 20, 2008

Purpose Going Forward

There is discussion going on concerning the purpose of the Save District 279 group and web sites. Dan brought up a good point yesterday in trying to understand what we are trying to accomplish. I have struggled with that a lot since the decision. In some ways, I believe what we are trying to accomplish is actually a very personal decision surrounding what each of us supports and our values as individuals. One could argue that we need to develop common ground. I would agree that we could publish a statement with multiple values that as a group we support, but each individual will have a different take on those values and the overall purpose.

Here are some of the potential purposes and potential actions/ideas (THESE ARE IDEAS ONLY AND I DO NOT PERSONALLY SUPPORT ALL OF THESE):

* Purpose: Hold the School Board accountable for their actions.
* Ask lots of questions.
* Start a web page that asks a question and the solicits SB feedback and posts their response.
* Actively campaign for or against SB members that are or are not accountable for their actions.

* Purpose: Effectuate the changing of the strategic guidelines and values.
* Make a motion for the SB to evaluate the strategic guidelines by forming a committee that is well balanced with parental participation.
* Form a team within the SD279 group to present and monitor changes.

* Purpose: Change leadership
* Campaign against or for certain SB members.
* Start a campaign to change the administration leadership.

* Purpose: Create an open and rich learning environment for all students going forward.
* Organize and participate in PST and other organizations on a school-by-school basis.
* Organize events that bring students together during times of transition.
* Participate in the Transition Committee.

* Purpose/Idea: Hold the SD responsible if it has broken any laws. (This is very controversial, but something that a portion of the population believes is important and is perceived to be the only way to get the SB's attention.)

* Purpose: Infuse a larger degree of collaboration between the administration and parents. (Make sure parents' voices are heard.)
* Participate in committees going forward.
* Attend School Board meetings.
* Continue to contact SB members and Susan Hintz by writing emails, letters, phone calls and public speeches at SB meetings.
* If the SB still does not appear to take our thoughts into consideration, then more dramatic means may be necessary (these are only ideas and are certainly controversial and are along the lines of Peaceful Protest):
* Sit ins: Literally fill up public places and just sit.
* Drive/Park ins: The farmers in France once protested by simply parking all of their trucks on major interstates -- why not fill up a few parking lots with our vehicles and leave them (ESC anyone?)? Sure, they would be towed, but it is a form of protest (Again, controversial.)
* Silent Protest: Attend SB meetings, but do not say anything - do not even talk amongst ourselves. Silence is deafening.
* Ad: Purchase an advertisement in the local paper to point out issues/concerns.

Results: What do we hope to get out of this in the end?

* Ultimately the best education possible for our children.
* A more collaborative leadership (administration and SB).

Other purposes, ideas or results? Go. Brainstorm!

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