Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Quick Final Observation

One final observation for the night -- the meeting ended on a weird note about having teachers pay $1 per day for parking. Should our teachers shoulder this burden? It's a different idea, but the idea itself is not the point.

Here's the issue: The School Board wants options. They want a solution that does not close schools and cause havoc. They want creative solution finding. They aren't seeing it. They have one option. One option only. They are being forced into a corner. They are desperate for a solution that works for everyone.

It disappoints me to see the School Board forced into this type of a situation.

Let's work together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree. The board has the final say here and if they wanted more options they could have been asking for them after the Jan 22 meeting. I have seen very little initiative on their part to try and change the course. my sense is this whole proposal gets deferred and we'll try for another levy to bail us out. That way the board doesn't have to make any hard decisions and if it fails they can go to the parent groups and say they tried. it wouldn't be a bad result as it would buy us more time to think through the decision and ramifications , which is painfully obivious after tonight, needs to be done.