Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Dean - we are building budget with 1% more revenue and 5% growth in expenditure. Education seems to be on the path; we keep running this scenario. Are we spending money to demonstrate that we need more money. Why not build a budget that is a one and one versus one and five.

Another speaker - collective bargaining. An argument could be made that the teachers are underpaid. A one and one is not a reasonable expectation -- collective bargaining is the reason.

Another speaker - we are not building a budget with a 5% increase in expenses. We are going to balance it, but some costs might increase as much as 5%. All of that looks like budget cutting. Some things go up regardless of what we do. This is just what we have to do to balance our budget.

Susan - In 2002 all employees took no enhancements. They still received 3% increase. We have expenses that we can not control.

Kim Green - Over 2001 to 2005 employee salaries increased only 11%, but benefits increased 29% [if I am understanding this correctly].

Dean - The piece that would be beneficial, is understanding the absolute impact.

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