Thursday, March 6, 2008

Why do we not hear from Fair Oaks parents?

A disturbing rumor that a Fair Oaks person passed along is that Fair Oaks parents were basically told during a parents meeting (or it has been going through their informal communication channels) that they need to get on board with the plan. The parents perceived some sort of threat (implied or simply perceived) behind this. Evidently they are scared because a more significant number of them have immigration issues to deal with and do not want their immigration status taken away. (We need to find out how many families have an immigration status other than full citizenship.)

Again, the threat is probably perceived rather than real, but it takes very little to imply a threat with people that are very sensitive to immigration. If it was between moving your child to another school or a perceived deportation, what would you do?

This definitely warrants looking into and appears to provide a portion of the explanation as to why do we not hear from more Fair Oaks parents? There is no doubt in my mind that some are indifferent, some support the plan, and some are against it. The problem is that nobody has a sense of how many are in each category.

There is also some misinformation going around in terms of when the proposal was made available in other languages. I think we need clarification on this point.

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