Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Next item on the budget - strategic plan budget. (Response to community comment next.)

[They are referring to another document that we do not have access to -- a 11 page document on reductions -- maybe we did get this one, but it is difficult to know.]

They are getting into quite a few financial details around the APACK group. I'm not familiar with this. It is at the Junior High level.

Everything else remained pretty much constant.

An addition to the doc of a community engagement specialist -- hoping to improve responses to inquiry from the public in general. [Interesting position.]

Those are really the only changes.

These documents have been in progress since November.

Boundaries areas.

Susan - want to reassure everyone that the documents are now live on the web. The most current document is available. There is an archive link for all previous documents.

Don - Minor adjustment to boundaries. Crestview was overpopulated. They made that adjustment. Wrong map was put up -- the current lines are up --oooops. Now they have the proposed map up with changes to Crestview. Unfortunately, you can't read the map at all on the screen. The whole thing looks like it is one big district.

They changes they made actually shifted students back to the school they currently attend.

It is a better balance now. We have assumed a class size of 25.5. We are obviously going to have larger class sizes next year. We used a strategy of returning students to their original school.

Total number of students moved is actually around 200 less than was proposed. Otherwise everything looks the same.

Dean - So the noncontinuous 3007 and 3008 is going to stay there and be separated by a freeway -- how do we address those to census areas. Clearly this is separated by a freeway -- clarly hanging out there.

Don - there is a direct route over there. It is a reasonable distance. Freeways are what they are. We do have students in other areas that go across a major road. There really are no students in there. Geographically this whole area is touching. It was a tradeoff of taking students out of Basswood.

Susan - we have a lot of parent concern. The only reason there was any change made is becaus ethe action team and Teamworks knew this had to be changed.

It is certainly your right and responsibility to send them back to address your direction. The only reason for this is that Crestview would be over populated.

Kim Green - When was the last time the boundaries around there had been moved?

Don - they have probably belonged to Basswood after Basswood was built.

Susan - we need to find out. The moves happened prior to Basswood being built.

Kim - only 75 students. Raising class size again if we were to include them in Basswood census area.

Don - They would physically fit in Basswood classrooms. We were following the direction from the board of keeping class size low.

Moderator: ny questions from other board members?

Lynn (?): What is a house league?

House league program would resemble an after school program with activities/teams. It could be an assortment of sports that are not available for students -- similar to intramurals.

Moderator: Any other questions?

Steven: We keep closing down athletics for 7th and 8th graders. Is there any 9th grade program being preserved.

Speaker: All of our programs are currently 9-12.

Steven: All athletics are being stripped out.

Speaker: They are being restructured into different levels. There will still be opportunities.

Steven: ARe we providing transportation?

Speaker: Yes, we will leverage the current transportation where we go back and forth after schools. There are late buses that bring the students close to their homes.

Steve: Is there any future coordination we could do for nonathletic activities?

Speaker: The good news is that we have model in place like this. To a large degree this model is in place. In terms of music and fine arts we modified eligibility to provide greater opportunities.l

Steve: Isn't it difficult for a 7th and 8th grader to compete with others. How is it going to affect participation?

Speaker: A mixed bag. A seventh grader, eigth grader have leagues that they compete in even though there is not an organized/school sponsored. Lower levels are "leagues".

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