Tuesday, March 11, 2008


"Discussion of the proposal"

Lin - acknowledging the passion and commitment by parents. "You have influenced the way I have thought about this proposal." Thanks to Susan and district employees.

Cutting 16.3 million. there is no way to avoid the pain. We must move forward.

She is going through the way the strategic plan was developed.

"what is an equitable education for all students? [More questions that I couldn't capture -- but surrounding the development of the strategic plan.]

The proposal was the result of the board's direction.

What I wish for is that leaders will emerge from the public and that we can resolve the feelings we have.


Anonymous said...

So this is it?! I am so glad everyones hard work has gone into consideration.(not!)
This was over before it even began..I am outraged.

dmill said...

I tuned in late. Are they just accepting the proposale as is?

Anonymous said...

I think I misunderstood..I am not really sure if a decision has been announced. Sorry for being "outraged" too soon??!!