Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Motion to vote separately on closings

Dean - We have spent a lot of resources on a process where the community has not been involved and merits it's own consideration.

Kim - We need to consider the other areas of the proposal because they are linked together. CI, FO and OV component are linked to the proposal.

[Confusion on the board.]

Steve - what is being modified there.

John - The practical question of including FO/CI/etc because it is separate.

Knutson - My understanding is just to separate this.

Dean - We would vote on this separately.

Knutson - the present motion is to consider it separately, correct?

Dean - My intent is to separate out the school closings and the achieve piece separately.

Linda - I would support a motion to allow the board members to vote on different components. It seems to me that it needs to be broken down into separate components. I can not support the entire proposal. I just want to make sure this motion does not take away that proposal.

Steve - My suggestion is to take it one question at a time. If we are trying to wrap this up in one big long motion it is not going to work.

Dean - My desire is not to do the closing and repurposing.

[More disucssion on how to pull apart this into separate votes.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have had the sense since the beginning that the only thing the majority of the board members really wanted done is the repurposing of WL. All the other was secondary. That is confirmed here. It will likely lose by 4-2.