Wednesday, March 5, 2008


[Toss me an email if you are reading -- just to let me know about how many are reading. Thanks!!!!]

[There is more than one room full of people -- just found out. So there could be quite a few more than 100 people.]

They track a lot of detail in terms of needed maintenance. The do some inspection themselves. They actually have some contractors during the bidding process that analyze the roof with infrared.

Dean: All schools on list will need new roof and boiler repairs. Any of these schools would be looking at $500k+ in repairs. This is very helpful.

Speaker: If we are going to use the building, we will look at putting on 20-25 year roofs. If we are renting or selling, we will use a shorter term roof.

Dean: Capital dollars vs. general operating dollars. If we save dollars it helps with capital dollars -- not saving general funds. If we do the repairs or not it does NOT impact the cuts that we are making today.


Anonymous said...

We're here reading every morsel! Thanks again for your diligent work!

Anonymous said...

We're listening!!
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Candace says:
Thanks for the great detail - we appreciate it!

PeteK said...

Reading as well

Anonymous said...

I'm a first time reader, couldn't make it to the session tonight.
Thank you for blogging!

Anonymous said...

I am here too

CL Lambert said...

Thanks for doing this! At home sick so couldn't attend.