Wednesday, March 5, 2008

More discussion

Dean: We have not involved our parents or community before this. I don't know we are going to have a great referral rate for this. [ sorry about the ambiguity -- lots of clapping.]

Will we have community involvement? Are we just going to have parent involvement? We have lots of disconnects. It sounds like we are making the choices for our community. We are kind of preselecting the choices. Nobody in general -- just my comments. {Laughing and clapping.]

Principal from FO: We aren't deciding specific strategies for transition without parent involvement. If the board move forward with approving the proposal, then clearly we will need to involve the community?

Dean: How will they feel involved if they are involved after the fact?

Linda: I am just very impressed with the parents we have had with us over the last 2 or 3 work sessions. I am very impressed. I am sad we haven't heard from other groups. Maybe apathy that their voice isn't going to be heard or it isn't going to matter otherwise. [Now we are getting into it.] We need to reach out to the other group. Some kind of way we need to hear from them. My biggest concern is that we haven't heard from them.

Met with a hispanic individual. Went to Osseo Senior High. Asked about experience. He had no complaints, felt he was accepted, but he doesn't have children or live in this district anymore. It was nice to hear from a graduate. I wish we could hear more from the different groups we serve. I think it is really important that we do.

[People are very upset that they simply are not answering the questions.]

Laura: [ELL Coordinator] [discussions about her background as an ELL coordinator] Some of the African American mothers felt comfortable in a home setting, but did not like formal meeting settings. They liked having it in a home setting. I would just make that point.

Principals have a lot of involvement with families.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry i had to leave the meeting. hearing the talk about integration and parent involvment post the change made me ill. Dean nailed the point. you can't expect the disenfranchised to get involved.