Tuesday, March 18, 2008


We accpeted gifts to the district of over $150,000.

Motion and second

Everyone in favor.


Move to ajorne.

Done in less than 30 minutes!!!!!!!! Wow!


Anonymous said...

Thank you again for blogging Derek.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what just happened. But I too thank you very much for blogging....you little blogger you!

Anonymous said...

If the donations to the District were published in those handouts you got, I'd love to see them. Does that have anything to do with the District's solicitation of area businesses recently? Also, is that money ear-marked for anything in particular or does it go into the general fund? Funny, I find myself asking more and more questions all the time. Perhaps I should email Susan directly and see if I get a response.

Anonymous said...

Look on the district web site and you can see the agenda for each meeting with the donations etc. Most donations are to a particular school or program from an individual or group.