Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Dean - the CPI was 1.76%,.....2.3% current year. State calculated revenues. The dollars are there. We are covering inflation. The dicussion then goes to education defies the laws.

Taxpayers have paid for the increases. State taxes, property taxes.

We have been funded greater than the rate of inflation.

Budget worksheet is what they are projecting - 1% growth in revenue, 5% growth in expenses. With that scenario, withor without a levy, we are going to be looking at reducing an additional 33 to 40 million.

Clearly we are on a path that is not sustainable. Until we come to grips with that this is going to be an ongoing process. Get are arms around this thing.

We can only control to some extent the revenue we take in. We don't know what voters will do or the state will do.

With that said, the expenditure is the piece that is within our direct control. We will go through this process for the next 10 to 12 years.

I would like to modify the motion - divide the school repurposing and closing; not in agreement with walking boundaries being moved out to 2 miles (if we want to have our students walk 2 miles we should to go Osseo Senior high).

Steve - I would ask that it be split into single items.

Dean - I can modify the motion. I can break it inot two pieces.

Steve - I will second the proposal for the transportation to be broken out.

Dean - I want to leave it untouched.

Steve - if that is the motion, I second it.

Linda - is there a discussion about the amendment. We would add 6 busses to the system at a cost of $275,000 and change [some start times.] We would be able to save a little over $400k, but not the full $800k.

Dean - I know one of the things we haven't talked about is our midyear budget reduction. We have roughly $3 million. I would not advocate spending all of it. I would advocate spending some of it. We would have room within the budget to not close schools.

Linda - let's focus on first amendment to the transporation. I am hearing that the dollars should come from the excess special education funding. Is that right?

Dean - we should confirm with administration. Ok, so that is unrestricted general fund dollars.

Speaker - some of it will be designated dollares, but hte majority will be general fund dollars.

John - we should wait until the time that we actually have those dollars. I oppose until we know the final numbers.

Steve - I am in agreement that we should leave the transportation issue. It is an unacceptable change. The midyear adjustment makes it much easier for me. I would not opt for doing anything more than that quite frankly. My concern is that we preserve at least 5% of our budget reserve.

Steve - I hear more rumblings of budget reductions. I would prefer to lower class sizes when we have the money firmly in hand. I would not move for any other cuts.

Lin - I suspect the economy will get worse before it gets better. I would maintain the reserve. I am cocnerned about safety. I will vote in favor of the amendment.

Linda - I agree with the safety of our children. I am a little bit concerned about safety. If they are not safe we will not provide education. We have to do whatever we can do. I would vote in favor.

Kim - there is a trade off - means that the junior high is released at 2 p.m. Some parents have expressed concern. We have to change tier times. I want board members to be aware even though this is a safety concern.

Lin - releasing JH students at 2p.m. is a safety issue as well, but at the same time I would encourage the community and district to put together a comprehensive after school program.

Vote on amendment: All voted yes for ammendment except John.

Dean - My next modification was to separate the school closing and repurposing. I would move to have the school closing and repurposing be separated into it's own motion.

Steve - clarification on what is separated.

Dean - Closing Osseo, Edgewood and repurposing WL.

Steve - what about ECFE movements.

Dean - more specifically for me the school closings - not the other areas. We would not close Osseo elementary and Edgewood. Not repurposing FO, OV, CI or WL from the main budget reduction proposal. We would act on that separately.

Linda - I second.

Kim - a motion and second. Are we ready for discussion?


Anonymous said...

help - what does this fast and furious voting mean???

Anonymous said...

It looks like the only vote so far is to keep the present bussing for 7-12 and not have them walk 2 miles.