Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Discussion - Kim

I want to say thank you to the community. Once I spoke to on the phone are very polite.

Serve all kids.
Make it about kids.
Kids do better in small small school
Safety concerns.
Neighborhood schools are important.
Kids are flexible.
Kids mimick your parents.

Use your leadership
Be accountable.
Do not listen to admin
Find other solutions.
Not just one proposal.
Bring kids into district.
Know your facts.
What's the long range goal?

[I can't keep up - she's going through a list that summarizes much of what was discussed before.]

[She is going over a summary of last week.]

What challenges me is that you need to keep at least 2 to 3% in our budget. The state had the way to find a way to increase our revenue. The challenge is that if we borrow from that, then we lose the bond rating from the state. As I look at the long range forecast. I want to keep as many teachers in the classrooms as possible.

Osseo - I remember meeting Shaune in 2002 and was a tireless advocate for our levy.

I struggle to keep a school open that we expect the viability of the city to maintain the school

FO/OV/CI - very challenging. I can lean on it because I have completely faith in the leadership of those leaders.

I like the idea that there is opportunity of larger sections with a variety of teaching conventions.

It is a moral imperative to seek the best opportunity for all of my students. We can be the instruments to meet those needs.

It is obvious there is a lot of talent out there.

I believe in the magnet. I understand the emotion of losing your community school. I struggled with this one a lot. This was one of the hardest things for me. I recognize the need to save dollars.

I'm here to tell you that I have been working with district since 2001 -- this administrative team is top knotch. Everyone. Everyone from ELL, administration -- I am proud to say I work with them.

If they come to us with a recommendation, then I am compelled to listen. Hold us accountable.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is Kim trying to say that she is thinking for herself but in the same breath stating that if the admin puts a plan before her she must go along with it? Too bad she doesn't have the same sense of loyalty to take a second look at plan proposed D279's constituents. Why does this person even have a seat on the school board?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. We will hold the School Board members accountable.