Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Discussion continues

Who's out there???


Anonymous said...

I am here. please keep it up



Anonymous said...

i'm here

Unknown said...

I AM!!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you asking your faithfull readers? Or is something weird going on there?

Anonymous said...

I'm here. Anticipating, please keep it up!!!

dmill said...

I'm here...parent from MGSH. Thank you for all of your updates. I have not left my laptop since 7!!!

Anonymous said...

please keep this up, i am a CI parent and your blog is just great

Anonymous said...

Im here....Thanks again once more for doing all of this Derek...

Anonymous said...

Keep going! I keep refreshing the page!

Anonymous said...

Im here....Thanks again once more for doing all of this Derek...

Anonymous said...

Because I couldn't be at the meeting tonight, I'm totally on the edge of my seat reading your blog.....PLEASE keep it up. You're awesome!!

Anonymous said...

I'm here -

Had to leave my wife at the meeting to relieve the babysitter - I really appreciate your hard work.


Anonymous said...

I am, and I really appreciate you doing this since I couldn't be there.


Anonymous said...

I'm here too! Thanks as always, Derek!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great Job, Thanks for doing this..

Anonymous said...

Peterson Family is here. At least those still up, kids, etc.

Lel said...

Thank you for blogging tonight, Derek. I'm reading faithfully and really appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Derek
The Raso's here. Thanks for what you are doing!

Anonymous said...

Running to Target and then will check back! (Watching American Idol at the same time...). This is really getting interesting. Thank you again for being there when I can't and blogging your night away.

Anonymous said...

A CI parent here. Thanks for doing this

Anonymous said...

We're here! Thanks, Derek!

Anonymous said...

I'm here. I had to leave early and now am following your blog.

Pam Hemze said...

Great job Derek! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Please keep the updates coming. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!!!

Anonymous said...

Here - very interesting developments. Update please.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this! I am going crazy but keep it up. We can't sleep until we know our fate!

Anonymous said...

this is absolute torture

CL Lambert said...

Thanks Derek -- it is so fantastic that you do this!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Derek,

I had to leave the meeting, but am following your blog now....thanks for everything you are doing!

Kris Anzelc

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your blog...it definitely made a difference.

Anonymous said...

I'm here. Please keep up the good work.