Friday, February 29, 2008


One idea that came out last night from an official from Osseo was that if we have all of this excess capacity -- why don't we close the ESC building and move the administrators into the excess classroom? A logistics nightmare -- but really no worse than spinning the boundary wheel.

Public Hearing

A huge thanks to all those that spoke yesterday. We still have a ways to go to come together completely as a community. WL parents have taken a lot of heat, but continue to reach out, keep an open mind, and resist engaging in negative behavior (as do others). I am proud to be a part of a group of parents (WL and others) that wants to make a difference.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


I found a way out.  If you are interested:


I'm back

Hold on.

Internet not available

They have their network locked down.  I could only do this on my blackberry, which would not be fun.

You will need to catch this on channel 21.


Public Hearing on Thursday, February 28

I will be attending the Public Hearing tonight. Since it is in the Osseo Senior High, I'm not sure that I will have either an Internet connection or enough power in the laptop. However, I will take the laptop and if the opportunity is there, I will blog it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Outta here

Thank you for watching the blog!!



Speaker - Alan Lee - WL

* Nervous -- $800k for closing schools. Closing schools should be the last reducations.

* A lot of details around closing school. Why close close schools?

* We hope and wish.

* I am angry. Four board members have not even answed a question.


WL -

* appreciate how difficult this is for everyone.
* Disappointed with lack of options
* Disappointed with lack of getting community enrolled.
* Why can't magnet school be integrated into a school that has excess capacity.
* We could also keep students where they have been.
* Biggest concern - they are not for the betterment of this community.

Barry Nelson - OV

* Alot of questions answered.
* It's not just a budget issue.
* Is it integration?
* Is it desegregation - again only one school.
* Integrationo of FA and OV.
* Will OV go up or go down?
* Will the scores drop at OV.

[Side note -- some SB members actually look like they might be sleeping.]

* Four board members have not asked questions. I do not have trust for the board.

Next Speaker

* ECE is great to expand.
* Two future magnet school participants.
* Loves the Edgewood opportunity.
* Very popular program.
* Met AYP every year.
* Edgewood has strong parental support.
* Feel strongly that everyone should learn about the magnet.

[Battery and fingers are going. I'm going to shut down shortly.]

Next speaker

* Diversity in decision making is ultimately the goal.
* Deeply collaborative by all stake holders "shared decision making"
* Ultimately collaboration.


Jennifer from OE

[9% battery]

* Every parent believes theirs is the best.
* OE enrollment has increased by 23%. 20% diversity to 30% diversity.
* Model school for district.
* Large diversity changes take time an energy.
* Closing OE is like firing a productive employee.

[Thanks a ton to Charlie for letting me use his laptop!!!!!!!!]

* Incredible opportunities with seniors in the area.
* Osseo students return after many years.
* There is lots of deep history there with multiple generations.
* Families are very deeply rooted there.
* Please look at other ways of balancing their budget.

Zellers & Peppin

Peppin is addressing the school Board with Zellers (4 minutes).

Thanks us for allowing them to speak. Do appreciate all the work you do.

Some comments about fully funding education at state legislature. Fully funding education is a great catch-phrase. We have to balance a lot. What is "fully funding"? What is the total dollar amount of fully funding?

We have constitutents that want us to fully fund education/transportation/parks/etc..

49% of our state budget is made up of educational spending.

Now is the time to work together between board and legislature. Slow down process and get parents involved.

Zellers - appreciation to all. Request from our constituents - we have heard from everywhere. We do agree that the way we fund education needs to change and share difficulties. It is ultimately our goal. Request to slow down the process and explain why we can't slow it down. We have parents that are some of the best in the field. Doctors, lawyers, managers -- meet them half way and use their expertise.


Stephanie - WL

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Our school is not broke. Our business is incredibly successful. We all love and would stand by our children. Is it really the best thing that you can do? The changes have affect those that have had to change frequently. They never felt like they didn't go into everything that they wanted them to do.

As board members are you really understanding what we are feeling.

Walking to school is an incredible memory.

Shari Durden - CI

[Technical difficulties]

As a CI parent we would like the quality of education our child is receiving is unchanged. Would propose that CI and OV would remain as-is and divide FO between CI and OV.

[Battery has 39 minutes.]

The current plan is not making a positive difference. This proposal does not appear to adequately maintain the current quality.

Shari Marsh - Osseo Area and Oak View Elementary

Funding as related to OV, CI and Osseo. Can not ignore the status of no child left behind. They are a title one school. Will the dollars transfer other? FO currently receive a large $ of compensatory funding from the state that might be lost.

If we lose money, lose special ed teachers. Then this won't be a successful program for all.

Second concern - focus on pre-k to 3rd grade. What about the mobility rate? Kids tend to move in and out (nearly 30% mobility rate on that side of the district).


He is giving actually an incredible family story about his parents difficulties in German/Poland/Russia.

Be careful of labels -- labels help organize and analyze -- they have a dark side. Them and us. "They" can't be positive. Labels help you ignore the hopes and dreams of others.

We love the labels attached to their schools. Look beyond "save our school" and look toward working for the school.


A bit of a break.

Moving toward community speakers

Its a sea of red, yellow, orange and yellow.

more questions

Dean: There is a whole group out here that feels as though they were not in the process. Our staff people are working on the inputs. There is a huge group of people out here that desire to give input. It doesn't feel like there is a balance between staff inputs and parental inputs.

Susan: I can understand that perspective. Because of the timeframe it had to be done in unbiased sources were chosen. We did not try to hide behind it. We said in work session that because of the tight timeline we could not abide by our core values of involving a wider audience (heavily paraphrasing here).

Only other way to have voices heard was through surveys, community comments and commiunity cafe. (unfortunately seems like they are ALL after the plan came out.)

If we would have known a year ago we could have started with a representative from every school. We talked about it.

We were faced with a reactive approach. We will become more proactive when we are in a different season. We take very seriously the information the community has given us. We want to provide understanding.

[BTW, Linn did ask a question.]


Kim: Community members are concerned about speed at which we are moving in this process. What are the consequences of not implementing proposal?

Susan: Started planning for reducations. What drove timeline was staffing. Regretfully we are getting rid of over 200 people. This is the reason for the 6 week timeline. Worked backwards from 6 week timeline and started working out ways to respond to the parents.

Feel very responsible to respond to the community-- there may not be agreement, but there needs to be understanding.

Rich: Built the calendar based on legal obligations. There are financial obligations as well.

Dean: One more question: The whole proposal was wrapped as an $800k savings for repurposing schools. In looking at what has been proposed, magnet moving, it feels like there was a desire to put in programs that we did not have and are now expanding during a budget crunch. Does the $800k stand on it's own. Is this just an opportunity to expand on these programs.

Susan: The impotence for closing two schools was the budget reduction. Based on our class sizes we could close 3 schools. Because we said we said that with this budget reduction we want to align the budget with our strategic plan rather than just cutting everything. We are reducing and expanding at the same time to reach our strategic paln. The impotence for the school closing was budget reductions we needed to look at what needed to expand and make better at the same time.

Bold statement: I don't think it should be done for just budget reasons. It is not an important enough reason.

So we should not do this for budget reasons.


Lin, John Nelson and Linda have not asked one question -- a bit odd. The other SB members are very actively asking questions. They also did not ask questions in the working session. Just an observation.


[This SB meeting has been much more revealing.]

There is an additional $25k potentially needed for adjusting some of the facilities (lower toilets, reconfiguring gyms for larger kids, etc...)

Susan: What other questions are there?

Steven: OV is there an advantage or disadvantage to having more teachers in a concentrated 4-6 area?

Don: It is more efficient use of teachers to smooth out class sizes and you don't go over the cap. Small building constantly struggle with large and small sized classes. Instructional advantage -- you can differentiate instructional programs for a larger class where teachers can be pulled to work with students that have specific needs.

Dean: With smaller schools - there would be some efficiencies in larger school - in a smaller school do we experience any more or less disruption in a class room. Is there a smoother running classroom in a smaller school than in a larger school.

Don: There is no research there.

Susan: They can not show a statistical relationship.

Steven: Enrollment center - some parents perceive it as a secretary sitting there taking applications. What is the EC really about?

Susan: EC is more friendly and customer sensitive. Had parents that had a difficult time going through the system. Idea is to provide a lot more services -- 80 languages in our district -- we have translators. Had children (special ed, not vacinated) who weren't starting school for 3 weeks. We were losing money everyday they were not there. It would cost $400k+ to setup. We would have so many more students start sooner that it would more than pay for it.

Kate: First year - FB calculated the loss of students not attending due to immunication issues was a loss of over $60,000 for first 5 days of school. Many were out longer than 5 days.

Dean: When we closed orchard lane several years ago. How many students elected to go to that charter school?


Are there going to be more costs transporting magnet -- no significant increase because they are already transported.

What is the additional cost of transporting students in the proposed plan? We are aligning routes so that they are more efficient. East and west moves are difficult -- north and south are easier.

Kim: Community has had concerns about the infrastructure handling more busses.

Speaker: There are difficulties in specific corners and volume is difficult to accomodate. Traffic is difficult - moving students through Arbor Lakes area especially in the morning.

Kim: WL increased traffic.

Speaker: it is centrally located and easily accessed. We don't have the congestion that we have with other proposals.

Kim: Our transport costs have increased quite a bit.

Speaker: Special services have caused transportation costs to increase.

Our regular to and from routes have not seen increases.

John: The growth that we are dealing with in terms of special needs is substantial 11 kids cost $35k per child for transportation due to special needs and we are required to provide that transportation.

Dean: Osseo and Weaver there is a certain percentage that are walkers. There are a lot of walkers that will be on a bus. How are the logistics going to work? How can that be cost neutral?

Speaker: Teh nubers show that osseo has 85 walkers; I don't believe it is a substantial number to where we need to add busses but rather change routes. There is going to be an increase in walkers in some areas. We don't know how families will respond.

Dean: We are hoping it is cost neutral, but we do not know for sure.

Speaker: Our commitment is to make the savings. If we were to leave everything as it is today and just change bell times and other items then we would save $800k. The MN transportation envisions even more savings.

We are frustrated with how we can not make a promise that we can get from point A to point B in 30 minutes. We want to get from point A to point B reliably.

Steven: What do the walkers numbers mean?

Speaker: We are not providing transportation.

Steven: Kidstop kids are riding and are not provided transportation as part of your numbers. So they are counted as walkers even though they are not. We spend a couple converations because driveways are clogged up.

Speaker: We do see more and more self drivers. We did several capital improvements to driveways. Another request to change the driveway again and it is an ongoing issue. Rushcreek has a lot of congestion.

Steven: Why are there only 1 or 2 children on a bus? There are disorders that are incompatible among children. Do you have an example? How much overlap is there?

Speaker: We have a small number that we are responsible for that we can not put together because of their handicapping conditions. Unfortunately some of the programs are quite a distance away for their programs.

Steven: Are there any issues that are raised with those students with this proposal?

Speaker: There are some opportunities there to partner with other school districts.

Dean: Are there any district site programs at Weaver or OE where when relocated would create additional transportational issues?

Speaker 2: (Kim S) There are 8 students in the OE program.

Dean: Just confirming that there are no additional transportation needs.

Kim: What can we do for cost containment? Required by law to provide transportation if you are over 2 miles away from school.

Teresa - transition

Transition -- there is a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done from March 6 and beyond. We have convened site leaders to figure out what needs to be done.

Logistics -- develop a schedule and timeline for school closings are repurposing.

Operational needs - what needs to happen to insure successful school operations?

Psychological transition needs - staff, students, parents and communities - how do we relieve the stress?

Communications plan -- how do we communicate changes.

Instructional supplies - what is the plan

Facilities and equipment - how to we plan for the best use of facilities and equipment.

Fnancial impact - What is the financial impact?

Logistics -- consider the movement of furniture, microscopes, books, shelving, etc.... What is the end date that all sites must be ready for school and work backward from there.

Programmatically - insure accuracy of student data and the tracking of such data.

Plan for staff changes.

[coming quickly]

Psychological changes -- we can not underestimate the effect of this. We must have open houses for those making changes.

What do you do with the PTO funds? [A party has been suggested. *grins*]

magnet continued

Dean: Within the grant application are we mandated to do certain things? A previous superintendent identified that some of the mandates were fictitious. Magnets are a voluntary means of desegregating. The mandate is coming from the grant?

Kate: My understanding - deseg rule -- we are clearly out of compliance. So are other districts around us. We are clearly out of compliance. We are under direction for a number of years We are audited. Everytime we make a move they monitor and we are asked to respond with all evidence to make sure we have not intentionally racially isolated students.

Second mandate is from the federal level. We could have changed boundaries, we could have done nothing, we could do voluntary efforts. It was the method (voluntary) selected in MN.

NW surburban helps get grant funding for Magnet schools so that we can fund magnet schools. It was a dictate of the federal grant that led us to place schools in racially isolated areas. So, they had to select sites that are racially isolated.

Dean: My understanding is that if we do not intentionally move students/boundaries/etc... it does not penalize us if we do nothing. The magnet grant might have its own criteria, but wanted to be clear that we are not under an order to do anything. As long as we do not intentionally deseg.


Dean: The students that will be moving and not meeting AYP with the 4-6 graders moving to OV will we have the resources? Will the title 1 dollars follow to the new site? If they move to the new site there will be the physical change and we don't have the resources how will that chagne?

Principal: Title 1 and compensatory - calculated by student enrollment and would follow students. If the board approves this plan he would hope the SB would respond by making sure monies would follow as resource.

Susan: Other questions - Transition that needs to take place regardless of the proposal accepted. Teresa will respond. Kate will respond to magnet questions. Questions concerning the cost of the proposal.

Kate - magnet schools; themes were around background and history, funding source, why the move? Why move instead of expand?

Background - huge amount of folks that are very interested in programs that provide post secondary opportunities -- for all students. State and national call to prepare students for post-secondary education and is back from significant grant money from state and federal. Math Science and Technology programs. Get significant amounts of grant money in the last 4 to 5 years. Millions of dollars. Increase advance placement programs. All part of the theme to prepare students for rigorous post secondary work.

Because we were deemed racially segregated, we were mandated to pursue some of these programs. It is primarly NWsuburban that focuses on the development of magnet schools and within the six other school districts in our consortium.

Magnet schools are interspersed through all 7 districts. Why district 279? question is a larger state issue. The funding source was the federal magnet grant received 4 years ago for materials and staff development. The first grant expired and are receiving funding from second round of grants. Funding development in other six districts as well. We benefit by receiving funds for our established magnets. Maintaining our investment through State grant. It is NOT an increase in funding. The base programming is the same. All of the common elements betweens schools regardless receive common instruction.

The magnet schools use the grant funding to add on top the extra standards, activities, and equipment to privide the thematic approach in each area and is funded through grants -- not the general fund. All additional items are funded by grants.

Edgewood was a natural selection because of the age of the site. The moving of the program was logical to relocate then. As well as the opportunity to provide unique programming to a new area of our school district.

It was mandated to put it in a racially isolated segregated school. The goal was to reduce the racial isolation. We now have the opportunity to move the magnet and are not bound by any grant to keep it in a racially segregated area.


Gave the categories out to teams and made copies of responses.

Board has hard copy of responses. Everything is on the web site.

A lot of times links go deeper and deeper to address more and more.

She appologizes for not anticipating what we would need to know and not know. The board was not asking questions recently because they had asked questions previously.

She is going to invite board to ask questions.

First question: Michael from Fair Oaks -- a key player on the Action Team and feel very passionately. Michael will address the benefits of proposal.

Michael: As I thought about the proposal there were lots of questions. How does this feel? We don't have the tshirts and presence. The community's lack of presence does care deeply for their children. In a community like FO they look towards leaders for guidance. First meeting last Tuesday. Asked families what they thought -- very mixed reviews. Some embraced possibilities and some have concerns about possibilities.

I do look forward to possibilities. This proposal will have that impact. It will move them from their neighborhood school to another school for their 4-6 experience. "How will our students fair for the k-6 split?" Our families that are being proposed to move -- 200 plus students that would be move -- there is a community that is moving.

He believes people will come back to FO. What about parental engagement? Those families that are engaged will stay engaged regardless of physical building. My parents will be engaged regardless.

How will the three principals look at a broader community? I really believe that is what our district is about -- preparing our child for a real world reality. I believe the proposal with k-6 splits provides more opportunities and blending of community. How will students and families respond? Day one has already passed. The time to change is now. Embrace this as a possibility.

This has not gone through officially. My mind set is to best support our community and prepare ourselves for change should change ocur.

More comments

Wants to face the community and respond to the community rather than the board.

Good evening.

Is going to repeat some of what was said in the working session.

There is a rule that whenever there is elected officials they need to be introduced.

Starts by thanking us and encourages us to keep coming and appreciates the support and wants to learn from each other. We are teachers by profession, but students.

We know that you care deeply about our children and want them to be very accountable and thank you for your emails.

We did record the 51 comments with your names.

They did have a lot of emails. Had 3 people divide them into categories. Capacity, magnet school, k/3/4/etc., desegregation rules, etc...


Susan's response to community comment: Focused on children and student learning.

Stopping to take time to thank all of the School Board. Feb 25 - 29 is SB recognition week.

I want to thank you and each of the children and families in this district.

On behalf of the staff, students and community I think you.

Used previous gift money to buy each of the SB members a book. Struggled with right gift to give this time. "A Whole New Mind" is the book she is giving the SB this time.

Share a few things -- for anyone that wants to survive and thrive in this new area. She is giving a book summary now.

Board meeting starting

Anyone reading this? Email me quick if you are so that I keep it up.


John: Projects show a flat growth over last 10 years. Projects for next 5 years is that we will stay right under 22,000. John's numbers believes his numbers are very, very accurate.

Susan: we are running out of time and unable to get through questions and comments and would like to have more time. Has a list of questions and concerns. It matters deeply to me. Had a team that took all of the emails that Susan and board members received and team of 3 people organized them into categories. Then split up questions/categories between teams in ESC. The teams developed answers and posted answers on web site. Printed out hard copies of it so that board members could reference it. Those questions that I know were frequent and that we need to address is that in Susan's response is to invite others to respond during community comment. Would like consideration to ver from norm and would like to respond to previous community comment before new community comment.

So, Susan's response to community comment is going to be before the new community comment. Does anyone have an objection -- no objection from anyone.

Susan: Dean, did I hear you right that you are seeing things a little differently than you saw them in November. Did I hear that?

Dean: The piece that was shared...

Susan: In the key issues I am checking for understanding, the key issues have become more. I will be frank because I have learned a lot because my perception has changed and I have not been through this before. What I heard is what I am feeling.

Dean: I am feeling thinks like "must have" verus "consider" and understandings are very different and filters are very different than what I had envisioned.

Susan: I think that is fair. We could not possibly have anticipated all that has happened or all that could happen. It is really important to discern what is the key issue. If your key issues have changed then the right or best proposal would change. That's why we needed to continue to check with you. I appreciate that Dean has shared that his feelings have changed. We need to respect if any people are feeling any differently. We need to continually understand.

Dean: Some are very unhappy and some are elated. People interpretting board input and then the piece that came out in the end.

Susan: The decision has not been made and there is an openness to the board. We are listening and actively participating in good faith. I'm looking forward to board meeting.
Dean: When Dean took program it was in program.

Dean: We have expanded into pre-k. We might not have the dollars to sustain.

Susan: Proposal is just to sustain. We are going to use the space we have rather than lease.

Susan: There is a real need and we have the data that we will fill these two sites and position us for the future. Is this going to be an unfunded mandate?

Dean: A piece of my struggle is that we are going to close 2 neighborhood schools and we are going to put in a place two additional programs that we may not be able to fund?

Antolak: Any pre-k programs does not adversely affect the funding of any other program.

Dean: We are expanding some programs that are different.

Kim S: We get a formula allowance aid for k-12 special education. It doesn't cost more.

Things are getting murky in terms of how people are asking and answering questions.

Don = guy = dude = they just said his name.

Don: I believe the proposal is the best match to the interest.

Kim: Can you help me with presenting us with the population growth?

John: We get proposals for new housing. When we get housing for more expensive housing, we do not get more children. We are getting hardly any students. Houses are really, really expansive. Built 600 expensive houses and got 10 children.

Got a lot more children for market rate housing -- $250k or less. Rejuvination of market rate housing is yielding tons of kids.

Disperse market rate housing to keep even growth.

And continuing

We believe we brought a plan that matched boards criteria.

Kim: interested in pre-k development. How fast could we fill sites? Is this a program that could use general funds dollars?

Kim S./Mike: Early childhood programs are at capacity. Fair Oaks. Should be growing based on state statistics. Intervene early and remediate kids so they don't need special ed later. We need space now. [Not a really strong arguement.]

Mike: Funding is from state that is dedicated for ECL and then from parents. So, it does not affect the general budget. All fee based.

Dean: Is there a point in time when those students would reach parity with others? Is it people's obligation to transport?

Transport - it depends.

Dean: Geographically where is the greatest need?

Kim s.: [Basically they do not have an overlay that indicates geographic need.]

Guy: Need is tied to socioeconomic factors.

Mike: ECFE created in MN in 1979 - Osseo was one of the first few. It is really parent education focus. Parent education because parent is most influential factor.

How they chose Weaver

Want to expand to Magnet.

Dean: Edgewood is not very efficient.

Other dude: It is not a function of students.

Cost of school/students. If magnet has a small population. The physical plant is not efficient.

Dean is questioning how efficient the building is.

Antolak is trying to bring them together.

Dean: A to Z doesn't make sense in terms of their interpretation of words.

Why Weaver?

EB - ripple effect moving students.
PL - up against edge of school district and students would need to move a long way.
FO - up against edge and not alot of space.

Space in three remaining schools:

OV - If you use OV transportation is difficult; In the interest of the board was expansion of early pre-k services. We don't have space in OV area. Both of the old programs are operating at capacity.

WVL - So, WL just doesn't have anything negative evidently -- no good reason but FB and OV didn't look as attractive.

FB - largest school in set; most students; would displace 649 students would need to be displaced to RL or WL. It is a large challenge to move those kids. More of a challenge transportation wise.

Dean: How did we went from "expand" to "move" and "should be considered" to "must have".

Guy: Even if you said consider then if we could do them we did them. If you look at "expand" on a single site and does not make sense to expand. It seems unreasonable.

Guy = Dude (most of the time)

I unfortunately do not know everyone's name and I appologize for the ambiguities.

More discussion about language given to action committee.

I believe the plan we did followed within the criteria.

Now where do you move Edgewood?

Dean: within some physical upper and lower limit can be created in very different ways. There are numerous ways to calculate efficiencies. Resource inputs for schools - measure of efficiency might include test scores. What is our efficiency based on student test scores and the dollars that go into operating that school. [Wow a solid calculation of overall value -- my opinion.]

Antolak: Are there district programs that are in WL that aren't in other schools?

Other guy: Using achievement data we could use growth, rather than use the MCAs. We could do something like that. That would be a long term analysis that is drawn out and more a function of who is teaching in each school.

Dean: Efficiency of a school can be determined more by achievement divided by cost rather than by cost of building. Efficiency should be what we are producing at one site.

Start explaining

We start with 19 schools. It does not make sense to close newest schools due to maintenance - takes 9 schools out.

Schools that have a capacity of 600 and have at least 500 students in them.

They are going into the schools that they might close: CF, EW, CC, PB, OE, and ZW. None of them are very large. All are older schools. A couple things that stood out -- EW needs serious capital repair. Students come from all over the district and the transportation is paid for. It then makes sense to move them and expand the STEM magnet.

Schools on east are closer to capacity. It is going to be tough to move students. Osseo school does not have continuous areas -- they are broken. Osseo is our smallest school and makes sense to move the populations into areas that are closer and/or can be split easily.

Now they have CF, CC, PB and ZW left.

When Teamworks ran the numbers they just verified what they wanted by applying the assumptions given above.

Teamworks proposal background

We have not been able to share the steps involved in getting to the Teamworks proposal.

Looking back at where we have been.

Specifically charged a group of people to do specific work -- includes the need to reduce budget, not willing to give up on strategic plan (leverage the assets to the fullest), and had 9 other points.

At the recommendation of Teamworks they had other interests - balance enrollment across schools of similar sizes, student impact (minimize) contiguous boundaries whenever possible; long-term viability; Control the enrollment in largest schools.

Fund balance

The fund balance projected at 8.7 million -- could we reduce that. How long does 8.7 million sustain our operation? This covers us a couple of weeks. A payroll and a light billing cycle.

We have to be ready for the state doing. The state is fighting a shortfall and appears to play games to reduce the amount given to districts.

Another spreadsheet

We only have estimates of what is to continue.

We only have a 2% estimate of an increase in state funding.

Employees renew contract every two years.

Increase in general utilities.

Why are we required by law to have a fund balance?

If we do not have a fund balance, then we could be in statuatory operating debt.

The policy is that we would like to have a 5% fund balance as a buffer. A mid-year adjustment is made around March.

Come back on a monthly basis and give highlights. Midyear request budget adjustments.

Made a permant transfer of money from an unrestricted budget to a trust fund.

Kelly - it was a transfer from internal service fund to an irrevocable trust fund because they had to adopt Gasby 43 and 45. The district is a very good position because they had the internal service fund.

Dean: We need to report the dollars -- it is not a requirement to create a trust -- according to gasby. Gasby only requires you to report not to establish a trust fund. We are on a pay as you go system. Dollars that could have gone to student programming are set aside for retirement benefits. One could argue who's needs are greater served by those dollars? By making the move that we did we are in this spot now.

Antolak - Gasby - Governmental account board -- guides all that we are reporting and doing. Is this the same as businesses using retirement money that they should not?

Gasby requires that we disclose it. What is the benefit of setting it aside as opposed to spending the money and then someday covering that liability.

Kelly - If we didn't fund our liability where we have to cover much more and be required to set aside money to become funded. This would have an effect on our bond rating. The current bond rating is very good and even though we have difficult financial times they felt confident that we could improve our position because we have a good trust.

Dean: The dollars we borrow are associated with capital debt. We have a fair amount of capital debt. Moody's is a reflection of our ability to pay. There is a very slim risk that the School District would every default on a bond.

This fund has a direct impact on a bond rating.

Dean: Currently our post employment liability is due to large amounts of accumulated sick days. 12 sick days a year cummulative to an unlimited number. We could control some of this liability.


Antolak - we have to cut staff, benefits, etc... We need to negotiate in good faith with our employees. We have a moral obligation to take care of them and provide healthcare benefits.

We are not allowed to renegotiate a teacher's contract.

I'm frustrated by what we should have done. I'm concerned about misrepresenting our power as a board.

Dean: I don't know if we have ever cut wages. providing a 3% increase when a 5% is requested is not a cut. Negotiations need to take into account days like this. Quite frankly I'm dissappointed. We've put our community in a really bad spot -- unions negotiated what they wanted. state gave us what they wanted. Parent's gave us what they wanted.

The job of the six people is to keep us from this situation we are in today.

Kim - I have not been disappointed and felt as though we have had give and take including holding on healthcare benefits in the last 2 years and I feel comfortable with it and take ownership of it.

We have been unreimbursed $29m in special education that we need to pay it.

Cost drivers are special education and benefits. We are not the only ones. I respect your position, but I do not feel it is the position of the majority of the board.

Time to move on.

Kelly - We do anticipate a favorable adjustment, but we won't know until midway through the year.


Can we reduce the special education expenditures?

We can't because we are being reimbursed for items two years earlier.

[By the way, I'm not sure if our computer batteries will last long enough to make it all the way through.]

We are mandated to provide a certain level of special education funding.

Fiscal report: Fiscal is a committee that came about after the levy failed in 2001. A lot of community members did not understand the financing and so this committee was formed by community leaders with a financial background.

Purpose was to try to make the fiscal reports more readable and let the business people know what we spend money on.

We can't seek an emergency levy until we go way negative. The MN department of education will not allow a school district to operate in red. If you are, you have to submit a plan or the state will take over your budget.

You sometimes have to do short-term borrowing.

Dean: The data looks very different if you take into account the full amount from tax payers -- the exhibit ONLY shows the state calculated revenue.

Kelly is explaining which tables are state based. We have had increasing revenues above and beyond the CPI based on the market basket we all experience.

If we continue to spend beyond the CPI - at what point in time do we take responibility for spending dollars above and beyond?

Dean appears be arguing fiscal conservativism.

Ed - since we have never borrowed or been in debt then there is no problem. You make it sound like we are being unaccountable.

Dean - the point is that we have financial projects that show that we would be exactly where we are today and that we maybe should have been more or less agressive earlier. We've spent down a 35 million dollar fund balance. We saw this coming and now we are having to cut $16 million. We saw it was coming -- why didn't we. If we are approving contracts that we can not afford in the long run. It was the one piece we had control over that we did not do differently.

Kelly -- more

ISD salaries -- they try to achieve the relative reference group, which are other districts they compare themselves to -- they want to be at the midpoint, not too high.

Rate greater than CPI because of escalating health coverage cost.

Last table on this sheet for special education - Special education remains underfunded.

Districts did receive enhancements statewide for better special education.

In 2006-2007 they received reimbursement for expenses 2 years late. However, this year, they will get it during the current school year.

Are special education funds available for something else. Can we cut back expenses 12% to use just the same level. We get between 4-5 million per year from federal funds.


Susan --

Made copies of everything new they made copies for everyone (we do have quite a bit of paper in front of us).

All information is available on the web site. Will work on making web site even friendlier.

Kelly now--

Statewide revenue data -- 2006-2007 report. Details percentage increase in revenue. Gives funding in two year increments.

Third column is the percent increase for the last 7 years -- 1.9% average increase for the last 7 years.

Lots of numbers as to why we are here.

District's inflation has been 4 to 5% -- odd that it is more than cost of living increase.

CPI is not really a good gauge -- ask businesses what they are seeing as inflation in our district.

79% of the budget is made up of salaries and benefits.


We (parents) are here to teach "us" (Susan and the Administration).

"If I don't agree it would help to just understand how we got there. I want to apologize to everyone for not helping the understanding"

"We had good intentions, but the impact was that a lot of people did not understand."

We have been working with these board members for two years and shared documents every meeting. The board has this background and has not asked questions because they already knew.

Asking board members to remember emails and get the questions out in the open.

Susan will provide was to provide better understanding.

Wanted to make sure that any information we share is undisputably accurate. They had their facts checked and re-checked.

We have a unique situation in that we have a lot of people that care deeply about this and we need to provide as much context as we can.

Provide as many answers from A to Z.

Kelly - the director of finance is next.


Financial context
Strategic Plan Budget -- School Closings and Boundaries -- Staff and Program Reductions
Next Steps

Working Session

The working session is just getting started -- everyone is just gathering. DH

Getting Goin

I'm back in. I'll be giving updates throughout the night.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Community comment section is done

It is done. Three people shared during community comment last session.

I'm probably done for tonight. This was incredible.


Denise - WL

It takes a village to raise a child

* Collaboration
* Friendships
* Training about Autism
* Mainstreaming of children with special needs.

Interruptions and changes in schedule are difficult for children with Autism.

We believe closing or repurpose for all children:

* All teachers work together for children with special needs.
* Autism training has made the kids more main-streamed.
* Takes an autistic child 5 months to re-establish themselves in a new school.

All kids with special needs will regress.

Tom Rose

WL - This is raising all sorts of serious process and protocal issues.

All due respect, he presented to Weaver Lake group. WL overwhelmingly supports the levy.

Community input and public policy are essential pillars. Does this process have flaws? We have an extremely tight timeline.

Given the direction given to consultants -- words to matter and the wrong words were given to the consultants.

There is a lack of transparency and a lack of checks of balances. Protocal of 810 requires tranparency. Lawyers can create crafty proposal to get under this proposal.

The STEM magnet language is very important. It can expand and stay in the current location. Inherent in policy 810 to maximize neighborhood schools:

Neighborhood schools maximize the total number of students able to attend schools closer to home.

Janet - WL

Consider whether Edgewood needs a larger school. What levels of success are in place for the Magnet school?

Do people want to attend? Why? Are they neighborhood families?

Only 7% of the WL 5th grade parents.

Test scores are low.

Better scores are available through WL without moving in a Magnet.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Would like more transparency?

Our single largest budget pull is the Magnet program.

Has Teamworks seen the large amount of growth in Western Maple Grove.

All western schools will be far over capacity in a short period of time.

Will we need to build more? Will we need to have more budget?

Alan - WL

Chose a school that they could walk to. Very new, but is learning. Budget crisis then we close a school.

There is a lot of money to be saved. Your job is tough.

Can't see fiscally spending money on ECD. We need to spend our money on our core system.

Tim Jensen

WL - An individual that wants to support WL as a Super Bowl team. The staff is excellent. They get tremendous support!

Let's add students to WL.

WL - Perception

Example: 23% of the students would be affected. You can't include 6th graders in the numbers because they are moving anyway.

STEM schools are not completely funded by federal dollars -- we are no longer getting those dollars.

Where are our dollars going? ECD - we are in a budget crisis. We need to expand ECD?

Teachers - reduce by over 75 then we can move them wherever we want.

Finally - 40% of general funds are mandated for 10% of population. Cost for Magnet schools is 25% more than the rest of the students.

Focus on your core.

Joy - WL

Students need a strong science background.

Give the children the opportunity.

What makes a magnet program successful -- the strategic location. By the stats it is located in a location where students may not succeed.

Not see the data to support expanding a magnet program in a time of crisis.


WL - Taught over 10,000 students.

We are here for the betterment of our entire district. We are number one in supporting our school district.

In the business world, you do not dismantle one of your best facilities.

There is a significant effect of switching schools on students.

WL Father

Weaver Lake precinct did vote "Yes" for all levies.

Inappropriately removed academic achievement in the Teamworks report.

Referendum voting was ignored and should not have been ignored.

Magnet school bias was inserted.

Outraged by choices. We now have to apply to an inferior school.


If Math is the object they should be in Weaver Lake.

WL Parent

What would it be like to be a school board member?

Teamworks has given us one option -- it is our best option. What is option 2 and 3?

This has been chosen for me.

Shelly - CI

Change -- Shuffling children is NOT real change.

We will receive the same results. Why do students thrive -- the parents.

Please stop the shuffling of students.

Learning only comes when it is sparked from within.

WL proposal

It is difficult to summary -- I will post the slides. Sorry I am not able to get all of this that quickly.

Our big presentation

We are up and going -- 4 back to back speakers with Powerpoint slides. (Slides will be available later this evening or tomorrow morning).

quick break

be right back. My fingers hurt. :)


Randy - two children in the district.

Believe in the value of public education.

Worked with neighbors and friends.

Everyone has an intrinsic value. We are asking the board to listen to the proposals.

Trust - very important that we need to be more open. Establish a process where a proposal can be built with everyone.

Collaborative process - we want to be heard.

Everyone benefits when cultural differences are understood.

We are trending toward a more diverse population 20% nonwhite in k-3.

Please work toward financial values when working on the proposal.

Support staff cuts; user fees and teachers. We can not have the same things tomorrow.

We do NOT support closing of neighborhood schools

Asking for time to plan and gather the community's trust. Use part of the fund balance. Reduce the fund by $800k to help solve the problem.

You have our attention and our passion.

Colleen - WL

School naturalist -- how does moving a STEM school help a budget crisis? How does expanding the STEM program help?

Often magnet schools are closed when budget crisis hit.

Student income to expenses indicates that Edgewood runs the largest budget deficit.

We can build neighborhood programs that have theme based instruction rather than magnet schools.

Smaller learning communities are better.

WL has it's own unique flavor and it is highlighted in their own literature.

Incredible programs for WL. parents, staff and students maintain the trails.

speaker - CI/MGJH


* Kidstop program? Self funding??

* No explanation for 166 teachers in terms of where -- is it just at elementary level?

* Desegregation rule -- what is it and where does it exist?

* Ideas on how to reduce costs? Student enrollment has decreased 1% since 1998 while adminstrative costs have increased 29% -- what can we do?

* What can we do about changing transporation?

* How can we raise revenue for the space we have?

next speaker

Question: Teamworks would provide consulting services in two parts - A is delivered. What is part B entail?

What is coming after these proposals?

Teacher Union

Dick - Here to support school closing and boundary plan. Boundary plan isn't around pitting school against school. None of the options are pleasant. 16% of elementary seats are empty. We can not sustain a system that operates at that level.

If we want to demonstrate that we are good stewards of our community we must continue this.

The passion here this evening is indicative of the incredible community. We must leverage our very best asset -- our staff to keep class sizes low.

Tough choices. Strong leadership. First step in long journey. Implore you to heed the consultant and look unemotionally at this situation.

next speaker

different perspect; has been here since the last levy was passed.

Weaver Lake and Edgwood could merge -- we could then close down one building and come together.

She is very concerned about class sizes of 35+ students.

simply moving large groups around.

Kids will be packed in classrooms.

Not happy, but extra curriculars, transportations and building need to be changed.

wants the best outcome for the children.

Next speaker

Parent of 3 children

Parent in 3 different schools and children.

Community is important BUT it is important that the community is the entire District 279.

District parents who do not have the same resources should be taken into consideration as well.

An online survey is demographically skewed toward the affluent.

Teachers work extremely hard to inspire passion drive and desire in our student. Is it less important that we are cutting teachers than neighborhood schools?


WL - small kids start considering this WL as their school. People that you meet when you are walking down the street - you neighborhood.

It is not just the bricks and mortor. It is the parent involvement. It is the students. It is the faculty. Volunteers are incredible.

Every school could benefit from this commitment.

Transitioning takes a minimum of 6 months to feel aclamated to a new school.

Parents are flooding private schools and other districts due to this plan.

We are losing 4 students for everyon 1 student we attract.

Our youngest and most vulnerable will be displaced. How do are we insured that they will be in an environment of success?

Work with us to make a fiscally sound plan and take the time.

Russ - Vote Yes Committee

Working on behalf of the public. Lack of information -- held up a segment of the information available and advocating for parent groups.

Parent group did a survey and contacted parents (7,900 parents) 3400 would vote yes on at least one question, sent another communication, sent a post card -- 1,300 did not vote.

Plenty of blame to go around. Over the last years school districts have received very, very little aid from the state.


Rush Creek Parent - when you first proposed the levy why is there still a suit against Sage? Why continue the lawsuit during a budget crunch? Ruled against twice already.

Athletics: $400k cut from athletics. Looking at closing schools for $800k -- it doesn't make sense to close schools and keep athletics.

A lot of thought needs to be given to keeping kids active betwen 3 p.m. and 5p.m.

Why close top performing school when we have no child left behind mandates?

CI parent

Don't understand how shifting Fair Oaks students to CI. Will have a 1st grader and 4th grader split between schools. Lots of concerns about fracturing community, making it more difficult for the poor to get to school.

Tracy from WL

Additional 14 speakers -- would like additional time.

We are at an hour. They are wanting to limit the number of speakers. The PowerPoint represent the WL.

The rest of the members of the council are in support of waiting until 3a.m. if that is what it takes.

Tracy -- been very involed.

1) Child would in a school with less than 20% of the children that she knows. -- How can you close down an incredibly successful school?

2) Why would she want to send her school to Edgewood?

3) Why is Edgewood more important than them?

CI parent

Are we going to go across 169 or across the city. Is it ok to bus children without seatbelts. It costs a lot to bus them.

Students are the greatest assets -- teachers are our best resources.

Numbers on how we go forward -- please provide budget in Excel format so that we can. What are we spending in specific areas -- it is not very specific.

Outsourcing tech.
Do we need more teachers teaching teachers.
Activity bus after school.

If you cut JH, cut everyone's extra activities.

We can do a fund that can donate $1000 a person.

Dan Baker

Youngest child gradutes from Maple Grove High School in the Spring.

Hopes the right decision.

Schools exist for the children to give them the very best.

Committed communities = Successful schools

Wouldn't a successful strategic plan be there to replicate successful schools rather than destroy them.

"Parents are important to schools and to participate more than anything else." Help parents help the children!

Kate Yonka

Fernbrook - studied the school district before moving here. Her countless years of researching was driven from fear. Fear drives change -- Kate trust the people that make the tough, tough decisions. She trusts them to make a difference.

Their lifes work is to see that our kids have the best education.

She doesn't like politics.

Now that we are moved to action we should join her.


From CI - Special thanks to Dean for attending parent's meetings.

Tough issues to resolve.

Against all school closing. These proposal create too much disruption. 2,618 is still too many students to displace.

Bussing distances and travel times are just too much.

Kids split among two or several schools is not right.

Strongly urge the board to use $800,000 from the school reserve to save schools.

next speaker

Diane N. - music teacher at WL.

31 years of teaching experience.

Does not understand why we would dissolve such a strong school.

Has two children that went through the school and have personally witness the community support and Site Council which collaborates on school decisions. (Excellent list of incredible programs and sponsored programs.)

Incredibly growth in scores and very high scores for math and reading.

Make decision based on the data -- test scores.


Moved from Chicago. Neighborhood school is Fernbrook, but their kids attend Edgewood.

Not here as an Edgewood parent, but as a parent of the District -- not just the people here.

Urge the board to consider the affect on ALL student.

Very concerned by increased class size and reduction of 166 students.

Increase of 4.5 students per classroom.

Urge board to look at all options to minimize the increase in class changes. We will face change and make tough decisions. How the change is managed is the issue.

A greater responsibility is on the parents.

Senior high student

Encourage today's youth to become tomorrow's leaders.

She is in a special leadership program at the senior high.

She does not want to stunt our youth programs.

Do not eliminate ELP -- please do not do this to our future leaders to force us to choose between opportunities and education. Music, second language classes, etc... Higher learners will lose ability to take other classes if ALP is cut.

Keep the high learner programs.
Johnathan -- 5th grader from Weaver Lake

Better education, better future, a place to make friends. Many activities, Excel, Geography Bee.. and a lot more.

By moving the school further away.

I truly believe with Weaver we can, but withou Weaver I can't.


Logn tradition of service

Do not support closing or repurposing any schools.

Disproportionate affect on Osseo.

So far absolutely NO Pro School Closing speakers.

Rachel - from vote yes committee

It is the parents responsibility to find out what will happen. Parents have to take responsibility.

They did not have the support of the legislatures. They said they needed to stay neutral.

The vote yes would like you to join the Parents Legislative Network.

Work together, come together, change our funding.

Next speaker

Amy Gust - parent of two CI students.

Did not know what to expect.

We know we have become levy dependent.

We need to move forward and get through this change.

There are multiple proposals out there, but they are not being presented -- how many proposals were put together. Why are we not offered to look at the other proposals? Why do we not get options? Why was there a very signficant change to the area of the CI proposal.

We do not know who the Action Team is.

How do these changes affect all the kids?

Beth from WL

A few facts -- Edgewood to be expanded, but not move. Wait until budget crisis is over and then expand Edgewood.

Proposed enrollment number to move to Weaver is a bet -- it is true that more students will leave the district.

Levy -- people knew what would happen is just not true. Many, many people thought that if the #1 question was yes then schools would not close.

Administration -- we need you to make sure our school stay open.

Timing is too fast.

Sometimes we need to take time to make a better informed decision.

(lots of applause and hoots!)

Next speaker

Osseo speaker -- lots of Osseo people -- we stand together.

We are not in support of school closing. We are all united in that ideal.

School is a picture of the community since 1858. People move to the community because of the school. Is it right to close a school that started it all -- a great waste of time, money and resources.

Mary - for WL

Not in support of closing WL.

It makes no sense to close a school that is excellent. Dismanteling a strongly supported neighborhood school.

It is personal when you disrupt our schools.

You are supporting a magnet school in a budget crisis. Please define sustainability again.


Betty - had children that attended 3 different elementary schools.

WL is incredible; Edgewood has an incredible staff and students; Edgewood is not the enemy. Susan is the very best superintendent. Parents are passionate.

There are no villans here tonight.

There is anger, fear and misinformation.

She is here for an advocate for the children.

Need strategies to cope with change.

Need us to tell them that next year will be a terrific year -- no matter what.

Do not paint a dark and gloomy picture for them.

Next speaker

Very special child as a speaker.

Kasey Wooly.

First year at Weaver. Privilege of working with poor students previously. She was overwhelmed by the cohesiveness of staff and the incredibly community support. She knew she was truly home.

Threatened by a takeover. This does not feel like the district 279 environment. Communities of excellence -- it is a community of excellence -- why would we dismantle a successful school. Where are the children in all of this?

Weaver is very successfull and with an incredible neighborhood presence.

next speaker

Choose the magnet school -- enrolled at Edgewood. Warm school. Wonderful administration. Very diverse educationally and ethnically.

Feels Edgewood does hit the mission statement.

Would the school move? She would move with the school.
Teresa is speaking

Save our neighborhood schools -- Weaver Lake and Osseo are neighborhood schools.

City council opposed plan to close schools.

Joyce Peppin also opposed plan and provided support.

Serious cuts need to happen. It will hurt. The budget problem.

[There was a bit of controversy over the 4 minute time limit.]

Even with the proposal tonight they need additional capacity on the west side of the district.

School closing is not the numbers -- the heart of the community resides within the buildings -- the children.

Closing schools does not inspire learning or a sense of community.

A message is sent that money is more important than student achievement.

Over 1000 signatures. Many kids parents.

Next speaker

Osseo parent -- osseo is heart of town, very diverse community, 43% non-owner occupied housing, opened doors and welcomed all. Everyone has reached out to students. Community has provided them with sense of community. Proposal of 500 single family homes.

The third time she has come before them to save the school. They united quite a few Osseo parents. United Advocates of Neighborhood Schools -- all coming together. They stand together to request that $800,000 be taken fromt he reserve fund to stay open.

Committed communities.

Absolutely excellent!

First speaker -- Cedar Island

Would like to know about increasing and the availability of education -- is there a written strategic plan for helping students in failing schools?

With moving children from different schools and communities -- what is the plan for moving for cultures?

Second Speaker

A candidate for State House.

Lack of adequate state funding from our state legislature. Encourage community members to contact legislature. (We definitely are now!)

Third speaker Jim Barry

6th grade teacher at fair oaks. Was through a previous school closing. He has seen how it affects family, staff and students. Nobody liked it, but nobody died (laughs). If you take the proposal as-is, if you don't accept it as it is, then what? Consider the students that are at fair oaks given that it is a "poverty" school.

Back going

They are outlining the rules -- first person up shortly. 90 minutes of community comments. Can ask for 30 minute extensions. Speakers get 4 minute a piece. You can pass if your message has been heard. This is one of four additional meeting we will have.

Dean's comments

A better summary of Dean's comments (Thanks Charlie!):

Dean made a comment that he wasn't aware that there would be an opportunity to speak before the Teamwork's president spoke.

He called out two points:

- That after the previous levy was passed, the second time, the district built up an over $30mm surplus. This surplus was then spent down, at least partly bringing us to where we are now.

- That there were other groups than the VoteYes group that were active in supporting the Levy effort, and didn't understand why only the VoteYes, a non-district group, was called out by the board.


Teamworks is presenting again. (Dean did make a few comments a moment ago as well -- establishing some clarification of facts.)

A lot of the same stuff that was in the working session.

Ok, I'm not going to post much more until he is done -- give me 15 minutes as they move through this again. This is very repetitve.

Next...intro to plan changes

Some of the same presentations are being made again for taping. So, some of this will be repetitous with the working session.

Monitors are new and evidentally they can see themselves talk on the monitor in front of them.

John Nelson is giving the same overview as before.

Just called to order by Kim Green

They are going through the agenda.

They have a lot of guest speakers. They are moving directly to special speakers.

The first speaker is talking about a special proclamation for the month. Career and Technical Education Month -- for February. She is asking for them to approve this as well since Pawlenty asked for the proclamation.


Lots of thoughts and side conversations going on as people shift their talks and come up with revised questions based on the working session.

Charlie: Our neighbor just brought up the thought: "Does the board have any obligation to consider any alternative proposal?"

We thought about giving all of the board members red shirts -- brilliant idea, but they would more than likely have to refuse and see them as a bribe. Or get upset even though we would mean it as a show of sign of unity and coming together. Oh well...we want to work together.


They are limiting people to combining just two speaking cards for a combined total of 4 minutes per speaker. They are continuing to evaluating the speaking requests that were coming in.

Sea of Red and Yellow

There is a great sea of Red and Yellow. WR=red; CI=yellow.

Things are quieting down. I think they have official busines for first 30 minutes and then open it up to comments.

Almost starting

The press is here. Things are getting quiet. Police officers are at the doors -- a bit ominous.

More people are streaming into Osseo Senior High.

We have three rooms completely full.

Anticipation is mounting.


People are still up and walking around. The board meeting has not started -- not all of the board members are in here.


Over 200 people at Osseo Senior High.

Action Team

They referred to the action team a lot, but we do not know who is on it. Kinda weird.

Odd things that were not discussed

Student achievement: How does this affect future student success?

What are the emotional impacts? Everything is numbers.

Nothing discussed in terms of WL being the 2nd best school in the district -- the statistics of any of the other elementaries. That will certainly come up and there is probably a good answer for it during the general School Board session.

Three key points from Susan

1) Not presupposing what kind of recommendation what will be ultimately approved.

2) We can not wait until March 5 until the decision is made. A large group has already had a conversation in prepartion. What do they need to do to get ready for whatever the board decides. Susan has already generated an action plan based on the current proposal.

3) Communication - Did not make 700 copies of the survey result summary or the budget reduction summary overview. They will have it on the web site by February 28. WHY SO LONG? So, they will not give us results to analyze.

Action team already is preparing for open enrollment all year long. The state does allow them to have parameters around that and close open enrollment when total available is taken.

Recommended to suspend any open enrollment until March 6 so that they do not try to second guess about upcoming changes. This seems very reasonable.

other ideas?

At this point they do not see many more changes until they get more information or direction from the Action Team.

The assumption is that they have a bit more work to do -- again down playing future changes.

Susan is indicating they would need additional direction from the board -- the plan that is out there is the absolutely best plan that is out there. So, this is THE plan. The only plan. It is done unless they get direction from the board.

The Action Team supports the proposal 100%. They believe this is the best scenario. She actually sounds very open at this point. She is giving them the opportunity to request a better plan.


800 hits in first day -- so they closed it down so that only 1 ip address could be used. They changed a couple words in the second version of the second survey.

Got over 1,600 comments.

More than 3,000 views.

1668 people completed it.

1665 responses -- not sure why 1668.

NOT a scientific survey!

The vast majority of responses were from Maple Grove
72% parent
12% staff
11% community member
2% buiness owners
1.5% students

Lots of comments concerned about why schools are getting closed.

Some positive comments.

Other notes

All information will be available on the web site tomorrow.

Pie charts will be added for parents. Numbers are difficult to understand. So, they will make charts for public and parents to make it easier to interpret.

Moving students 2

2,600 is approximately how much will move. Only 23% of the student body.

We still need to listen intently to the interests of the parents.

Continue the work of refinement -- not big changes, "there is a little more work to do on this." Again, major changes appear to being downplayed.

Students Moved

Total students moved 2,619 -- far less than 50% indicated in the first proposal. This is based on all of the assumptions of students moving -- for example Edgewood moving 100% of their students.

We can not intentionally isolate or segregate any population.

They are moving to full day kindergarten -- it sounds like.

Dean is pointing out that they worked through the language of keeping the magnet program where it is and found his notes. Teamworks was working under the assumption that moving Edgewood was something that could be attained with additional flexibility on point 2.


Are we violating any desegregation laws. Teamworks is assuring them that they did NOT use any race data to draw boundaries. However, the affect is that they still end up dispersing people.

Future populations

They are now addressing that they believe they have a healthy balance with open classrooms for the future. So, redrawing boundaries anytime soon is not anticipated.

Manage the pain

Manage the pain is an overall process.

Enrollment question -- is the presumption that we would be laying off 160 teachers. There would be empty classrooms out there. Are they classrooms that are emptied due to 160 teachers being laid off?

Building capacities are somewhat arbitrary. Susan acknowledges that. Using capacity numbers is a slippery slope. Average of 25.5 students per classroom.

All of the numbers are based on 2005 capacities instead of 2008 because we are hoping for additional resources in the future -- not what is projected for 2008. There should still be space available in every one of our buildings -- still not sure how much capacity in the west.

We are underestimating the amount of classroom space that is available.


We are sitting in a boardroom with those fancy $1,000+ Areon chairs -- maybe we should sell those. Something tells me they aren't used even close to 10% of the time. 15 chairs -- $15,000 for the chairs -- sweet.


We are administratively thin and more requests will more than likely continue. They are pushing all of the western schools to their maximum -- leaving limited growing room unless you continue to shift people to the east through boundary changes.


Edgewood is used to being transported. So, they will choose to go to WL.

There are approximately 100 students at Edgewood that consider it a neighborhood school. The other 400 are used to being mobile. So some of the 100 students may not want to move. The 100 students may or may NOT get transportation for their neighborhood students. Wow! Move their school and then do not provide transportation.

Which schools need additional assistance? Are we going to have more schools asking for maintenance assistance? Every one will probably request additional administrative help.

Support might easily go up with these changes. It is unclear which schools made requests and which ones were fulfilled. How much was additional support -- she almost said $400k in support. They will need additional staff for these larger schools? We factor in an $800k savings, but they will need additional assistance.

Tales of Data

We are now into analyzing tables of data and the assumptions -- we don't have long enough to really absorb this information.

Palmer Lake appears to be significantly higher than they were before.

How much room is available in the schools in the west to expand? It looks like a logical movement from the boundaries would be for the WL students to move to RL in a year or two when more homes are built to the West. This is absolutely key. Is this just a temporary placation or are the boundaries going to stay put for another 5 years.

Boundaries 2

More toggling.

Dean: Why is Rice Lake split over 494 between voting borders as well.

Answers: It looks like Rice Lake has to take more attendance from across 494 because there is not enough room in Rice Lake, Fernbrook and other elementaries to accomodate the boundary changes on the west side so some of the RI students will need to be bussed a significant distance and across the Interstate to even things out.

So, schools on the east side have to absorb more of the attendance from the west side in order to accomodate Edgewood moving to Weaver -- at least that is the logical conclusion. Odd. Maybe I'm off.

Boundary Changes

They have both a map of the current boundaries and the map of the proposed attendance areas.

Again, most of WL moves to Fernbrook.

They just opened it up for discussion with little availability for the board to really analyze it. They are flipping back and forth spuratically between the before and after images to give it some sort of animation effect for absorbing it.

There have only been slight changes before. How many students are affected? Boundaries are very stable in this district. They rarely change in the last five years. We have been in a period of relative calm. Unfortunately they did not answer how many students are affected.

The attendance area for Cedar Island (CI) becomes engulfed with others, because they are proposed to be repurposed for specific grades only.

Weaver Lake

There is sibling availability as well.

If the configuration is approved WL is large enough to hold STEM, 4th & 5th graders and all siblings. STEM 4th and 5th graders are not automatically moved over -- strange answer. I'll have to watch the taped version to fully understand this.

269 available seats will be available for open enrollment if all STEM students move over.


Model that they are presenting is best with the assumptions. They did NOT hand out the assumptions. Assumes all Edgewood students would move -- basically all students in all moves would move as a whole. Unfortunately, assumption 2 that all Edgwood student would move is more than likely incorrect. In fact all of the assumptions in terms of moves are huge issues.

Eligible students (4th and 5th graders) are students who are eligible for transporation. Any 4th or 5th graders will actually be able to stay. The application process is actually just a technicality for 4th and 5th graders.

Making a choice

The president of Teamworks is talking to the board about being independent, listen to the public, but understand that the public is speaking only in their self interest. Listen -- and grab the few nuggets. Everything is that is sent as a letter, email or phone call is being analyzed.

They are going over the benefits. One of the benefits that they are going over is the following:

"Maintain stability for more students by decreasing the number of students displaced by boundary changes." They believe that by moving Edgewood to Weaver Lake that they will actually displace fewer students.

They believe this one massive change and sweeping proposal sets them up for stability in the future. Specifically so they do not need to do this next year.

Teamworks Response

It is very nebulous so far. It's a lot of analyzing this way and that way, but not clearly supporting a relocation. "Expanded" is being questioned as why that means relocate. Dean thought that "expand" meant staying where they were at and building out.

The president of Teamworks just told the board that they could take this as "learning and moving forward" -- a lot of ooooos in the audience.

The public only represents their own interest -- not the interest of others. Odd.

Another key change in the proposal tonight -- they will maintian BOTH current 4th (going into 5th) AND 5th (going into 6th) at Weaver lake even with the move.

A few questions from board

He is questioning whether the board provided any input on relocating the magnet school.

Susan indicated that the key points were put before the consultants in November. Dean asked why moving Edgewood makes sense at all given those points. Susan put forth that point 2 supports moving it. Dean questioned the wording in point 2 to not support relocating.

Specific recommendations

They are going through each of the closings and repurposings. He is explaining it as an integrated solution. He is going through the proposal at the highest level.

In the working session he asked if there were any questions -- we can only view it on the TV, but several people humorously raised their hands in the room.

Integrated model of decision making

He is making the case that the decision is made as a whole -- you can't remove any one part and have a solid decision any longer. He seems to be arguing that you can't change any one item.

Does closing schools work with the overall integrated decision -- it was clear from the action committee that there were different options, but this one was the best decision.

They were not willing to put forth any option that did not meet their objectives -- therefore only one option was proposed.


They are talking a lot about reality - as if they have already determined the outcome.  They are indicating that parent's choice only comes in after the bounderies are changed.


Tw is up and going through there background, building there credibility.  They see this as a partnership - helping us make decisions with the data the school district has.  the difficulty here is that they appear to analze the data and seem to fit it to what you might aleady know - which creates a problem - how are preconceived notions or agendas removed from the analysis?  That is probably coming.


They did introductions.  They are going over much of the info that we know - there was significant communication of the levies.  They seem to be placing responsibility on voters, local politicians that did not endorse the levies and the lack of state funds - expected.


Most of Weaver Lake will go to Fernbrook.  The work session is being broadcast to our room.  They are just starting.

Board room

We are in the board room.  The work group appears to be in a different room.  They handed out the proposed boundy changes by teamworks.

We are in

We just got in but could not get internet access on the computer.  I have to use the Blackberry.

Is this politics?

I just spoke with Pam (Ms. Hintz' secretary). She indicated that there is STILL overflow seating at the ESC -- as originally planned. They just arranged for even more overflow seating at the Senior High.

Yes, they should move the entire meeting. Yes, we told them to do it a long time ago. Yes, we should definitely voice our displeasure when it comes to playing last minute games.

Meeting Change Redux

This is the message just sent out by Scott Taylor, the Principal at Weaver Lake:

I’m calling to let you know what to expect this evening at the work session and board meeting at the ESC. The work session will begin this evening at 5:50. The doors will open at 5:30. Due to limited space in the board room, attendees will receive a card identifying a room from which they will be able to watch the work session and board meeting via closed circuit television.

Our school board has clearly defined rules for Community Comment. Each speaker will be allowed up to two minutes to address the board. Two cards can be paired for a maximum of four minutes.

Once the ESC has reached capacity, additional seating will be available for closed circuit television viewing at the Osseo Senior High School auditorium.

This seems to indicate that the initial overflow rooms at ESC will be available first. If this is the case, please do not call.

Meeting Change

Well the drama is already starting to unfold. At the last minute, the superintendent and board decided to change the location of the overflow rooms. Instead of having the overflow rooms on the premise, they moved it to the Osseo High School. Of course, if you are at the Osseo High School, you will not be able to speak.

They can not move the meeting because it is within 24/48 hours and moving a meeting requires more notice than that. (Interestingly several Weaver Lake parents requested that it be moved over a week ago!)

They are also indicating that it has to stay where it is because of the taping equipment.

Call the administration and let them know that you would like it changed: 391-7000.

Edit: Now it is unclear whether additional rooms will be available at the ESC -- I'll post more in just a moment.

1,000 Petition Signatures

We just went over 1,000 petition signatures!

Startup Post

If possible, I am going to add blog entries tonight live during the School Board Sessions.

I may be doing this via a Blackberry tonight -- so the updates may come slowly and poorly spelled -- my intent is to get information out as rapidly as possible.