Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Stephanie - WL

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Our school is not broke. Our business is incredibly successful. We all love and would stand by our children. Is it really the best thing that you can do? The changes have affect those that have had to change frequently. They never felt like they didn't go into everything that they wanted them to do.

As board members are you really understanding what we are feeling.

Walking to school is an incredible memory.

Shari Durden - CI

[Technical difficulties]

As a CI parent we would like the quality of education our child is receiving is unchanged. Would propose that CI and OV would remain as-is and divide FO between CI and OV.

[Battery has 39 minutes.]

The current plan is not making a positive difference. This proposal does not appear to adequately maintain the current quality.

Shari Marsh - Osseo Area and Oak View Elementary

Funding as related to OV, CI and Osseo. Can not ignore the status of no child left behind. They are a title one school. Will the dollars transfer other? FO currently receive a large $ of compensatory funding from the state that might be lost.

If we lose money, lose special ed teachers. Then this won't be a successful program for all.

Second concern - focus on pre-k to 3rd grade. What about the mobility rate? Kids tend to move in and out (nearly 30% mobility rate on that side of the district).

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