Tuesday, February 19, 2008

more questions

Dean: There is a whole group out here that feels as though they were not in the process. Our staff people are working on the inputs. There is a huge group of people out here that desire to give input. It doesn't feel like there is a balance between staff inputs and parental inputs.

Susan: I can understand that perspective. Because of the timeframe it had to be done in unbiased sources were chosen. We did not try to hide behind it. We said in work session that because of the tight timeline we could not abide by our core values of involving a wider audience (heavily paraphrasing here).

Only other way to have voices heard was through surveys, community comments and commiunity cafe. (unfortunately seems like they are ALL after the plan came out.)

If we would have known a year ago we could have started with a representative from every school. We talked about it.

We were faced with a reactive approach. We will become more proactive when we are in a different season. We take very seriously the information the community has given us. We want to provide understanding.

[BTW, Linn did ask a question.]

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