Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Antolak - we have to cut staff, benefits, etc... We need to negotiate in good faith with our employees. We have a moral obligation to take care of them and provide healthcare benefits.

We are not allowed to renegotiate a teacher's contract.

I'm frustrated by what we should have done. I'm concerned about misrepresenting our power as a board.

Dean: I don't know if we have ever cut wages. providing a 3% increase when a 5% is requested is not a cut. Negotiations need to take into account days like this. Quite frankly I'm dissappointed. We've put our community in a really bad spot -- unions negotiated what they wanted. state gave us what they wanted. Parent's gave us what they wanted.

The job of the six people is to keep us from this situation we are in today.

Kim - I have not been disappointed and felt as though we have had give and take including holding on healthcare benefits in the last 2 years and I feel comfortable with it and take ownership of it.

We have been unreimbursed $29m in special education that we need to pay it.

Cost drivers are special education and benefits. We are not the only ones. I respect your position, but I do not feel it is the position of the majority of the board.

Time to move on.

Kelly - We do anticipate a favorable adjustment, but we won't know until midway through the year.

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