Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Are there going to be more costs transporting magnet -- no significant increase because they are already transported.

What is the additional cost of transporting students in the proposed plan? We are aligning routes so that they are more efficient. East and west moves are difficult -- north and south are easier.

Kim: Community has had concerns about the infrastructure handling more busses.

Speaker: There are difficulties in specific corners and volume is difficult to accomodate. Traffic is difficult - moving students through Arbor Lakes area especially in the morning.

Kim: WL increased traffic.

Speaker: it is centrally located and easily accessed. We don't have the congestion that we have with other proposals.

Kim: Our transport costs have increased quite a bit.

Speaker: Special services have caused transportation costs to increase.

Our regular to and from routes have not seen increases.

John: The growth that we are dealing with in terms of special needs is substantial 11 kids cost $35k per child for transportation due to special needs and we are required to provide that transportation.

Dean: Osseo and Weaver there is a certain percentage that are walkers. There are a lot of walkers that will be on a bus. How are the logistics going to work? How can that be cost neutral?

Speaker: Teh nubers show that osseo has 85 walkers; I don't believe it is a substantial number to where we need to add busses but rather change routes. There is going to be an increase in walkers in some areas. We don't know how families will respond.

Dean: We are hoping it is cost neutral, but we do not know for sure.

Speaker: Our commitment is to make the savings. If we were to leave everything as it is today and just change bell times and other items then we would save $800k. The MN transportation envisions even more savings.

We are frustrated with how we can not make a promise that we can get from point A to point B in 30 minutes. We want to get from point A to point B reliably.

Steven: What do the walkers numbers mean?

Speaker: We are not providing transportation.

Steven: Kidstop kids are riding and are not provided transportation as part of your numbers. So they are counted as walkers even though they are not. We spend a couple converations because driveways are clogged up.

Speaker: We do see more and more self drivers. We did several capital improvements to driveways. Another request to change the driveway again and it is an ongoing issue. Rushcreek has a lot of congestion.

Steven: Why are there only 1 or 2 children on a bus? There are disorders that are incompatible among children. Do you have an example? How much overlap is there?

Speaker: We have a small number that we are responsible for that we can not put together because of their handicapping conditions. Unfortunately some of the programs are quite a distance away for their programs.

Steven: Are there any issues that are raised with those students with this proposal?

Speaker: There are some opportunities there to partner with other school districts.

Dean: Are there any district site programs at Weaver or OE where when relocated would create additional transportational issues?

Speaker 2: (Kim S) There are 8 students in the OE program.

Dean: Just confirming that there are no additional transportation needs.

Kim: What can we do for cost containment? Required by law to provide transportation if you are over 2 miles away from school.

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