Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dean: When Dean took program it was in program.

Dean: We have expanded into pre-k. We might not have the dollars to sustain.

Susan: Proposal is just to sustain. We are going to use the space we have rather than lease.

Susan: There is a real need and we have the data that we will fill these two sites and position us for the future. Is this going to be an unfunded mandate?

Dean: A piece of my struggle is that we are going to close 2 neighborhood schools and we are going to put in a place two additional programs that we may not be able to fund?

Antolak: Any pre-k programs does not adversely affect the funding of any other program.

Dean: We are expanding some programs that are different.

Kim S: We get a formula allowance aid for k-12 special education. It doesn't cost more.

Things are getting murky in terms of how people are asking and answering questions.

Don = guy = dude = they just said his name.

Don: I believe the proposal is the best match to the interest.

Kim: Can you help me with presenting us with the population growth?

John: We get proposals for new housing. When we get housing for more expensive housing, we do not get more children. We are getting hardly any students. Houses are really, really expansive. Built 600 expensive houses and got 10 children.

Got a lot more children for market rate housing -- $250k or less. Rejuvination of market rate housing is yielding tons of kids.

Disperse market rate housing to keep even growth.

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