Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Teresa - transition

Transition -- there is a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done from March 6 and beyond. We have convened site leaders to figure out what needs to be done.

Logistics -- develop a schedule and timeline for school closings are repurposing.

Operational needs - what needs to happen to insure successful school operations?

Psychological transition needs - staff, students, parents and communities - how do we relieve the stress?

Communications plan -- how do we communicate changes.

Instructional supplies - what is the plan

Facilities and equipment - how to we plan for the best use of facilities and equipment.

Fnancial impact - What is the financial impact?

Logistics -- consider the movement of furniture, microscopes, books, shelving, etc.... What is the end date that all sites must be ready for school and work backward from there.

Programmatically - insure accuracy of student data and the tracking of such data.

Plan for staff changes.

[coming quickly]

Psychological changes -- we can not underestimate the effect of this. We must have open houses for those making changes.

What do you do with the PTO funds? [A party has been suggested. *grins*]

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