Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Gave the categories out to teams and made copies of responses.

Board has hard copy of responses. Everything is on the web site.

A lot of times links go deeper and deeper to address more and more.

She appologizes for not anticipating what we would need to know and not know. The board was not asking questions recently because they had asked questions previously.

She is going to invite board to ask questions.

First question: Michael from Fair Oaks -- a key player on the Action Team and feel very passionately. Michael will address the benefits of proposal.

Michael: As I thought about the proposal there were lots of questions. How does this feel? We don't have the tshirts and presence. The community's lack of presence does care deeply for their children. In a community like FO they look towards leaders for guidance. First meeting last Tuesday. Asked families what they thought -- very mixed reviews. Some embraced possibilities and some have concerns about possibilities.

I do look forward to possibilities. This proposal will have that impact. It will move them from their neighborhood school to another school for their 4-6 experience. "How will our students fair for the k-6 split?" Our families that are being proposed to move -- 200 plus students that would be move -- there is a community that is moving.

He believes people will come back to FO. What about parental engagement? Those families that are engaged will stay engaged regardless of physical building. My parents will be engaged regardless.

How will the three principals look at a broader community? I really believe that is what our district is about -- preparing our child for a real world reality. I believe the proposal with k-6 splits provides more opportunities and blending of community. How will students and families respond? Day one has already passed. The time to change is now. Embrace this as a possibility.

This has not gone through officially. My mind set is to best support our community and prepare ourselves for change should change ocur.

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