Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Randy - two children in the district.

Believe in the value of public education.

Worked with neighbors and friends.

Everyone has an intrinsic value. We are asking the board to listen to the proposals.

Trust - very important that we need to be more open. Establish a process where a proposal can be built with everyone.

Collaborative process - we want to be heard.

Everyone benefits when cultural differences are understood.

We are trending toward a more diverse population 20% nonwhite in k-3.

Please work toward financial values when working on the proposal.

Support staff cuts; user fees and teachers. We can not have the same things tomorrow.

We do NOT support closing of neighborhood schools

Asking for time to plan and gather the community's trust. Use part of the fund balance. Reduce the fund by $800k to help solve the problem.

You have our attention and our passion.

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