Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Meeting Change

Well the drama is already starting to unfold. At the last minute, the superintendent and board decided to change the location of the overflow rooms. Instead of having the overflow rooms on the premise, they moved it to the Osseo High School. Of course, if you are at the Osseo High School, you will not be able to speak.

They can not move the meeting because it is within 24/48 hours and moving a meeting requires more notice than that. (Interestingly several Weaver Lake parents requested that it be moved over a week ago!)

They are also indicating that it has to stay where it is because of the taping equipment.

Call the administration and let them know that you would like it changed: 391-7000.

Edit: Now it is unclear whether additional rooms will be available at the ESC -- I'll post more in just a moment.

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