Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How they chose Weaver

Want to expand to Magnet.

Dean: Edgewood is not very efficient.

Other dude: It is not a function of students.

Cost of school/students. If magnet has a small population. The physical plant is not efficient.

Dean is questioning how efficient the building is.

Antolak is trying to bring them together.

Dean: A to Z doesn't make sense in terms of their interpretation of words.

Why Weaver?

EB - ripple effect moving students.
PL - up against edge of school district and students would need to move a long way.
FO - up against edge and not alot of space.

Space in three remaining schools:

OV - If you use OV transportation is difficult; In the interest of the board was expansion of early pre-k services. We don't have space in OV area. Both of the old programs are operating at capacity.

WVL - So, WL just doesn't have anything negative evidently -- no good reason but FB and OV didn't look as attractive.

FB - largest school in set; most students; would displace 649 students would need to be displaced to RL or WL. It is a large challenge to move those kids. More of a challenge transportation wise.

Dean: How did we went from "expand" to "move" and "should be considered" to "must have".

Guy: Even if you said consider then if we could do them we did them. If you look at "expand" on a single site and does not make sense to expand. It seems unreasonable.

Guy = Dude (most of the time)

I unfortunately do not know everyone's name and I appologize for the ambiguities.

More discussion about language given to action committee.

I believe the plan we did followed within the criteria.

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