Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Dean: The students that will be moving and not meeting AYP with the 4-6 graders moving to OV will we have the resources? Will the title 1 dollars follow to the new site? If they move to the new site there will be the physical change and we don't have the resources how will that chagne?

Principal: Title 1 and compensatory - calculated by student enrollment and would follow students. If the board approves this plan he would hope the SB would respond by making sure monies would follow as resource.

Susan: Other questions - Transition that needs to take place regardless of the proposal accepted. Teresa will respond. Kate will respond to magnet questions. Questions concerning the cost of the proposal.

Kate - magnet schools; themes were around background and history, funding source, why the move? Why move instead of expand?

Background - huge amount of folks that are very interested in programs that provide post secondary opportunities -- for all students. State and national call to prepare students for post-secondary education and is back from significant grant money from state and federal. Math Science and Technology programs. Get significant amounts of grant money in the last 4 to 5 years. Millions of dollars. Increase advance placement programs. All part of the theme to prepare students for rigorous post secondary work.

Because we were deemed racially segregated, we were mandated to pursue some of these programs. It is primarly NWsuburban that focuses on the development of magnet schools and within the six other school districts in our consortium.

Magnet schools are interspersed through all 7 districts. Why district 279? question is a larger state issue. The funding source was the federal magnet grant received 4 years ago for materials and staff development. The first grant expired and are receiving funding from second round of grants. Funding development in other six districts as well. We benefit by receiving funds for our established magnets. Maintaining our investment through State grant. It is NOT an increase in funding. The base programming is the same. All of the common elements betweens schools regardless receive common instruction.

The magnet schools use the grant funding to add on top the extra standards, activities, and equipment to privide the thematic approach in each area and is funded through grants -- not the general fund. All additional items are funded by grants.

Edgewood was a natural selection because of the age of the site. The moving of the program was logical to relocate then. As well as the opportunity to provide unique programming to a new area of our school district.

It was mandated to put it in a racially isolated segregated school. The goal was to reduce the racial isolation. We now have the opportunity to move the magnet and are not bound by any grant to keep it in a racially segregated area.

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