Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Teacher Union

Dick - Here to support school closing and boundary plan. Boundary plan isn't around pitting school against school. None of the options are pleasant. 16% of elementary seats are empty. We can not sustain a system that operates at that level.

If we want to demonstrate that we are good stewards of our community we must continue this.

The passion here this evening is indicative of the incredible community. We must leverage our very best asset -- our staff to keep class sizes low.

Tough choices. Strong leadership. First step in long journey. Implore you to heed the consultant and look unemotionally at this situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep class sizes low?? That is a joke starting with grades 4 and up. Current class size in grades 4-6 is 34. It will be raised to 38 no matter what happens with the proposal. Class sizes have NOT been lowered since the last budget crises-even with the 30 million we had in surplus after the last levy. Signed,
279 Teacher of a Large Class