Tuesday, February 19, 2008


We (parents) are here to teach "us" (Susan and the Administration).

"If I don't agree it would help to just understand how we got there. I want to apologize to everyone for not helping the understanding"

"We had good intentions, but the impact was that a lot of people did not understand."

We have been working with these board members for two years and shared documents every meeting. The board has this background and has not asked questions because they already knew.

Asking board members to remember emails and get the questions out in the open.

Susan will provide was to provide better understanding.

Wanted to make sure that any information we share is undisputably accurate. They had their facts checked and re-checked.

We have a unique situation in that we have a lot of people that care deeply about this and we need to provide as much context as we can.

Provide as many answers from A to Z.

Kelly - the director of finance is next.

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