Tuesday, February 19, 2008


John: Projects show a flat growth over last 10 years. Projects for next 5 years is that we will stay right under 22,000. John's numbers believes his numbers are very, very accurate.

Susan: we are running out of time and unable to get through questions and comments and would like to have more time. Has a list of questions and concerns. It matters deeply to me. Had a team that took all of the emails that Susan and board members received and team of 3 people organized them into categories. Then split up questions/categories between teams in ESC. The teams developed answers and posted answers on web site. Printed out hard copies of it so that board members could reference it. Those questions that I know were frequent and that we need to address is that in Susan's response is to invite others to respond during community comment. Would like consideration to ver from norm and would like to respond to previous community comment before new community comment.

So, Susan's response to community comment is going to be before the new community comment. Does anyone have an objection -- no objection from anyone.

Susan: Dean, did I hear you right that you are seeing things a little differently than you saw them in November. Did I hear that?

Dean: The piece that was shared...

Susan: In the key issues I am checking for understanding, the key issues have become more. I will be frank because I have learned a lot because my perception has changed and I have not been through this before. What I heard is what I am feeling.

Dean: I am feeling thinks like "must have" verus "consider" and understandings are very different and filters are very different than what I had envisioned.

Susan: I think that is fair. We could not possibly have anticipated all that has happened or all that could happen. It is really important to discern what is the key issue. If your key issues have changed then the right or best proposal would change. That's why we needed to continue to check with you. I appreciate that Dean has shared that his feelings have changed. We need to respect if any people are feeling any differently. We need to continually understand.

Dean: Some are very unhappy and some are elated. People interpretting board input and then the piece that came out in the end.

Susan: The decision has not been made and there is an openness to the board. We are listening and actively participating in good faith. I'm looking forward to board meeting.

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