Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Meeting Change Redux

This is the message just sent out by Scott Taylor, the Principal at Weaver Lake:

I’m calling to let you know what to expect this evening at the work session and board meeting at the ESC. The work session will begin this evening at 5:50. The doors will open at 5:30. Due to limited space in the board room, attendees will receive a card identifying a room from which they will be able to watch the work session and board meeting via closed circuit television.

Our school board has clearly defined rules for Community Comment. Each speaker will be allowed up to two minutes to address the board. Two cards can be paired for a maximum of four minutes.

Once the ESC has reached capacity, additional seating will be available for closed circuit television viewing at the Osseo Senior High School auditorium.

This seems to indicate that the initial overflow rooms at ESC will be available first. If this is the case, please do not call.

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