Thursday, April 10, 2008

A couple quick reminders

First, there will be the reorganization meeting tonight.  Morphing the Save District 279 into District 279 United.  Here is a draft of the purpose:

District 279 United is a group of concerned parents and community members that support enhancing the education available to the children in our community.  We believe that neighborhood schools help create successful students who become good citizens of our community.  The group's main area of focus is to support the following:     

*  Neighborhood schools
*  Fiscal responsibility of district finances
*  Core K – 12 education
*  Community partnership in school district strategy and key decisions

I want to stress that the old leadership team is trying to jump start the new organization, but really, really wants district wide participation.  ALL leadership positions will be up for nomination tonight. 

Second, just a quick reminder that this PCAWLE email list will be effectively shut down tonight.  Please sign-up for the new list at the following web address:


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Web Site

The new web site and branding is up and running. Here it is:

1) Web site:

2) Blog:

3) Email Discussion Group:

The hope is the new group will be across the district as a whole and unite the parents and community!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Parent's Meeting

The parents meeting at Weaver Lake offered a number of surprises. First, I thought attendance was much, much higher than we anticipated. We really do have a terrific group of very committed parents.

Second, I was stunned by the very large number of parents that reached out to the Wayzata School District to request open enrollment and several neighborhoods that will actually be getting bus service to Wayzata. I fear that our own D279 is going to be hurt even more as literally 300+ students or more move out of the district.

More information coming in the next few days. Stay tuned!